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From: S´ace G.
Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 2:09 AM
Subject: Images and Realities
Reply to: 266767
ID: 266768

Harry WilliamS states & declares by that in a vibration expressed in our sphere:

"Heaven on earth is my mission to achieve in the next 3 years."

and i go with you, Harry ...

it doesn't need a reason to declare myself ~ i go with that flowww


a little story on the sideedge of that papermate goes like this:

will i am S ~ will i am S ~ will i am S ~ will i am S ~ will i am S ~will i am S ~ will i am S

and it occured to me one night vibrating that sound : it is William of Orange') Questioning Mary S. (tu-art) to keep the secret to himself ...

but then ~ it breezed away and other SSSSSSS's came along ...

even Germanick Souldeers with SS on there clothes ...

and then this Silly being born on this planet ~ one of billionS' but everyone here thought we were all alone till someone can proove it is a fake / setup / muledream / etc ...


can you imagine all this on just an edge of a cigarette paper to enroll tabacco for a smoke?

YES i can ... :-{ s'ace ~ serendipitiQually

') for the record: William the Silent / de Zwijger (ddutch) is his nickname ")
") his grandgrandgrand...son William Alexander is his successor respecting historic rules set *)
*) Alexander is a label/vibration given to him by his german father and cosmopolitan Claus von Amsberg **)
**) by personatal occasions i am informed on the fact Alexander is close to the delta of Alexandria and its religious harmonick at a certain time-inter-val ~ therefor Alexander is a symbol for the defender of the seed ~ its Quality for survival as a specie (?)

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