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The Flame and the Light - Hugh I'anson Fausset

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Saturday, January 17, 2009, 5:52 AM
Subject: 6 Work Activities ~ non-egoic mediumship
ID: 266788

dear members here & co-creative designers invited in freespace & liberty

while we experience our quests and alignment meanderings ...

a sort of new dispensation reached my planetary mind reference ... which i am willing to share :{ w h y ~K~ not }:

so i give you an opportunity to mesh up your channeled idea about how to fill 6 roles in a template of 7 (8) bindu's ...

here departing from the given entry a bindu is a symbol to mediate on to its centered normative & intrincic value for an individual on perso'natal voyage & applied imaginations ...

The six proposed roles to give a place into the set-up frame / Template are:

  1. Peace Workers
  2. Educators
  3. Healers
  4. Love Workers
  5. Earth Workers
  6. Planet Art Workers

The freedom to the partaker here it is to replace a given role to another one with a descibed motive

The Template with given Bindu's is here & you also can replace the Bindu's by your Chozen/Desinged Ones ...

(How? well past the picture in your PAINT-BOX and Work on That and set it on the internet / via a co-operating servant/member)

Notion: What is a non-egoic cosmic mediumship ?

(i, s'ace, propose to have a dialogue on that when someone is offering that interrelational timespace as a practice)

when people / members want to be informed on the filled template by a bivid as my pretty self ... then go to our website and you will find the link to be pressed hereafter :

press here


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