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From: S´ace G.
Date: Thursday, January 29, 2009, 5:23 AM
Subject: REED2 ?
ID: 266924

dear universe & universalists ;-)

how are you ? today ? what is your state of being & dreaming & thinking NOW?

As last week changed history in a choreography planned long before that ...

some might have been "shot back" to aNother Esteem than the one awae of for Quite a while (whole generations?).

so, we might consider a hymne to digest all our souls in an intermediate session sharing and letting go what "we loose" ...

this is once labelled as a song entitled "Ruthless Queen" performed by KaYaK (mirror the last or first K and a ... too)

By then ... i ( "lord of time number 9" ) considere the next phase of the "MASLOW pivote" gets at stage ... especially for those who know about indicated knowledge orientations as a reference and as a call for the students ... working to get that level of "observing" ...

to put it short in some words and an image facilitating over 1000 words and a mental workout

after some study ... i suggest we end up in a colour of pale ...

still a Question is put forward ~ after some s'ilenced intervals ... at the station you reside because of a gift ... TalenT

"how are you ? today ? what is your state of being & dreaming & thinking NOW?"

Y'our T'umling S'ace ~ a biVid bioVoid'inG ~~~

~~~~~ below the waterline

it is said REED2 is the destiny call of REED1 ~ which aligned to Cosmic Hu'Man

one may also refer to this as Lunar SkyWalker ... and its Birth Destiny Affirmation:

Resonant Moon day 27 Year of the Blue Electric Storm

kin 93: Red Lunar Skywalker
I Polarize in order to Explore
Stabilizing Wakefullness
I seal the Output of Space
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I am guided by the power of Life Force
I am a galactic activation portal ... enter mè.

:{ ThankS' to Planetary Art Network ServiceS' in the LifeForceGiven }:

~~~~~ beyond the seabottom

:{ this came to me, y'our guide at - registration ref. }:

Resonant Moon day 20 Year of the Blue Electric Storm

preparing & & (#089)

kin 86: White Galactic World-Bridger
I Harmonize in order to Equalize
Modeling Opportunity
I seal the Store of Death
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I am guided by the power of Heart


REED2 is a short Label referring to the VERB "REE!"
and the Spice "LUNAR=Challenge / Polarize in the order given at instance from Stability URge"


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