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From: Bruce S.
Date: Friday, March 20, 2009, 12:55 PM
Subject: Broad political coalition to serve the good
ID: 267469


Dear everybody --

Happy spring equinox from Santa Barbara --

Just want to float a little idea past you....

There's a lot of new energy starting to emerge, on these themes of "transpartisan politics".  I'm excited about it, I'm doing a lot with it.

And one idea that seems to be emerging -- has to do with this concept of "shared purpose" -- or, in other words, a goal or objective or "intent" that is shared among people or groups.

This is really the essence of a political coalition -- why groups come together and stick together -- because they share the same "mission", or objective -- or share at least some of the same mission.

So -- just as a way to introduce this thought -- just float your beautiful mind past this set of purposes....

This is a list taken from just a few groups I am starting to work with.

How many of these purposes would you accept yourself?

Would you join or support a group that advocated or represents this purpose?

I think this is going to be the key -- to building an amazing coalition -- that brings everybody together, from every angle.

Let this soak in a little bit.  It's very powerful...

happy day,

- bruce



 Foundation for Conscious Evolution
The Interspirit Foundation
The Fusion Foundation
AGNT - Association of Global New Thought
Navigating our Future

1 Connect and empower the vast global movement arising for positive change
2 Make the efforts of the global movement arising for positive change visible to engender greater coherence and synergy
3 Connect and communicate what’s working, positive and innovative
4 Build a new path to the next stage of human evolution
5 Awaken the spiritual, social, and scientific potential of humanity
6 Further and encourage cooperation toward the common goal of a compassionate, sustainable future
7 Explore and develop innovative new ways to bring universal spirit into civic and secular culture
8 Explore the power of creative diversity
9 Build creative relationships between diverse groups and individuals
10 Forge an ethical and spiritual vision to support collaboration and shared understanding, in a form that can emerge as central to the guidance and future of the human community
11 Bring together picture puzzle pieces from everywhere to create a picture of the future that works for all
12 Address challenges through honest and transparent conversation, expanded and transpartisan inquiry and collaborative action
13 Identify the principles and processes of best practices
14 Raise conscious awareness, provide culturally relevant solutions, and educate each of us to our individual and collective power as co-creators of a peaceful and prosperous world for all
15 Foster a new American mindset in which We the People see ourselves and act, individually and collectively, as responsible, powerful co-creators of our future
16 Providing Americans a nationwide, community-based framework and supporting infrastructure through which we can effectively work together to envision the future of our nation
17 Become well informed about the challenges and the options for resolving them
18 Engage in dialogue and deliberation on solution approaches
19 Reach consensus on strategies for achieving our shared vision and goals
20 Take action to make our shared vision and goals a reality
21 Becoming an instrumental force in igniting and mobilizing a nationwide, grassroots, trans-partisan movement of Americans working in collaboration with the public, private, and social sectors to bring about the social, environmental, and economic changes that will create a healthy, prosperous future for all
22 Develop a powerful nationwide multi-media campaign aimed at attracting the attention of and engaging Main Street America
23 Encourage participation in a respectful, face-to-face and on-line process that is focused on reaching nationwide agreement on an inspiring vision for our nation's future and a combination of inter-related, actionable strategies for addressing American's crucial issues
24 Developing a program of trustworthy, sufficiently substantive education about the issues and solution options and major perspectives on them
25 Develop an on-line knowledge repository of trustworthy intelligence on national issues and opportunities, solution options, and the major positions associated with them.
26 Create a process and supporting technical infrastructure for reaching consensus.
27 Develop a web-based platform for nationwide discussion and collaboration
28 Create a way for participants and their elected government representatives to engage together in a productive interchange that best reflects the intent of our Constitution interpreted within a 21st century context
29 Provide ways for participants to take action on the positions they support
30 Develop a financial model for the campaign and citizens' membership organization that ultimately will make it possible for them to be financially self sustaining


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