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"Thou art the sky and Thou art the nest as well…..Hidden in the heart of things Thou art nourishing seeds into sprouts, buds into blossoms, and ripening flowers into fruitfulness." Rabindranath Tagore, 'Gitanjali'
The Mystic Way - A Psychological Study in Christian Origins - Evelyn Underhill

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From: Wolfgang F.
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 4:40 AM
Subject: HUM - out of the sky
Reply to: 268965
ID: 269010

"Hum" - that's it! Dear Bruce, thanks for bringing this up.

This is much about realizing our HUMan identity which is above and beyond any other identity we might ever have experienced be it religious, national, ethnic or any other.... here in Perú exists a project on "Andean Identity" which has so much in common with what I consider to be our HUMAN IDENTITY,

with love from the Holy Valley of the Inka,


--- On Sun, Oct 11, 2009, in msg268965, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Dear Resonance Network --

It's been a while. Sometimes -- the silence is a profoundly creative time....

I've been "out there" for a while. There's been some amazing energy, and a kind of convergent force that is pushing like a little volcano to be born....

I might want to tell some of this story -- and maybe I will. One aspect -- is that I drove my little 1991 Subaru station wagon more than 17,000 miles from July through September -- and one place I went was Deadhorse -- the far northern end of the Alaksa pipeline, 475 miles north of Fairbanks, and well north of the Arctic Circle...

And I was "fasting" during this time -- for most of those two months -- and during this time, I was doing my mountain trail hiking -- keeping that Kundalini energy wound up like the steel-spring coiled energy of the ten-arm Shiva...

And I got back here on Sept 30, and more or less kept it up, and have been skinnier than I have been in many years -- starting to look a little bit like an excited Auschwitz survivor...

Why was I doing all this, at some perhaps unreasonable risk to life and limb? Because -- it's the calling, the magical elixir out of the ethers -- that says -- do it...

A call into "surrender" -- a call into letting go of the "merely human" -- the sentimental attachment to that stuff we call the body...

Well, I really do like the body, I am quite fond of it, actually. I think I'll do what I can to keep mine for a while.

But all of this -- has come into a focus -- into a project that is emerging from everything we did on global resonance for several years.

And the name I am giving to this new form of the resonance network -- is "The HUM Project".

Dunno exactly where that name came from. It's just a curiosity. It's harmless, maybe that's why I like it. Resonance -- "get the world humming -- get people working together, get things working smoothly and in harmony". Maybe what they are humming is OMMMM.....

I've been doing some writing on this HUM project. I'm guessing I will do a lot more. Probably, in the next day or two, I will post some stuff about it here, or maybe send an article or two.

Right now, in the dusk of a Santa Barbara Sunday evening -- I invite you to click on this link, and turn up your speakers, and just listen to the sweet vibes of this international One Love video/song...

People everywhere, all over the world, tuned in to the same vibration and the same rhythmn, working for peace and love and the core transcendent beauty of being so blessed as to be human...

My guess is, the little fire will be burning around here for a while. There's this thing -- about calling the entire world into a single circle, that resonates to the hum. To the One hum, to the One love...

Every conversation on this planet -- should be converged into the One Hum.

Maybe we can help that happen....

Click here to view video --   turn up the sound!

Lyrics | Bob Marley lyrics - One Love lyrics


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