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"There is only One of which all else is composed."
Turning Toward the Mystery: A Seeker's Journey - Stephen Levine

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 8:20 AM
Subject: HUM - out of the sky
Reply to: 269010
ID: 269013

The essence of this vision is very simple, maybe even obvious, certainly nothing new --

though perhaps what is new -- is the interpretation of this way of seeing things, and the claim or vision that this way of organizing ourselves -- in circles of circles -- is not only enormously powerful, and a direct link to a kind of cosmic ontology and classical notions like "The Cosmic Christ" or "Logos" -- and similar concepts from other traditions, like Tao or Brahman or OM -- but it is also a great interpretation of what democracy is or can or should become...

This model is powerful -- because it is not only simple --but it is all these great things at once, all at the same time -- taking a form that in spirit, anyone can understand...

All things human come together through local or special circles, that are interconnected through their common centers -- and everything is mediated through those circles -- and that so-called ascending hierarchy that "out of many circles forms one circle"....

"The circle shall be unbroken" --

That is the oneness of humanity.

And so what if it has a hierarchical element...

We do have to address objections to these kinds of questions -- "What if my local circle doesn't feel like fitting into your supposed master-design, oh great guru.... ?"

So, yes, we can go a long ways on sheer resonance and "relationships" and learning to trust one another -- but we also need to be able to answer the questions. And to do that -- we need to know how it works, and why it works -- and we need to be able to say why it is authentic, and why it can be trusted, and why it is not just one more form of "triumphalism" -- a kind of spiritual fascism -- where we are pushing hard for my vision to dominate and assimilate and master your vision....

This lead quote, at the top of the little article I wrote -- this is not so simple or easy to understand...

“Let us contemplate the one simple nature of that peaceful unity which joins all things to itself and to each other, preserving them in their distinctiveness and yet linking them together in a universal and unconfused alliance.”

To my way of listening -- this is one of the most powerful and succinct quotes on spirituality -- indeed on philosophy in general -- that I have ever seen.

This author -- is not only a universal mystic of the absolute highest caliber -- but he is also a brilliant intellectual and conceptualizer...

So, yes, maybe it is true that if we want to popularize this vision, we might not start off with this quote.

But for those of us who want to help conceive and visualize the way forward, who see themselves as conceivers and designers of the new world -- this quote provides powerful guidance and inspiration.

This quote, in the fewest possible words -- addresses all these questions about "globalism" -- and how some emerging global form can threaten or consume the local, the independent, the regional.... and how there is a correct balance that we can find -- a correct balance that is guided by a kind of cosmic archetype, that is knowable, that we can define, that can serve as a guiding blueprint for an intentionally conceived future of harmony built on a divine cosmic template...

A template that IS fully consistent with the highest dreams of classical religion and spirituality, from cultures from all over the world, and from every historical epoch...

And it does all this -- with no imposition, no force of will -- but entirely by the magnetism of its beauty, the sheer reasonableness of its way...

Logos is reason -- AND beauty -- in one form -- and we can be called into that form, and be guided by it. HUM -- or AUM -- name your word -- is the guiding signal at the core -- that like an invocation -- calls us all to the common center. The bewitching absolute beauty at the center of creation, as that creation exists within us all....


This is a screen shot from the cover of that article I wrote -- about 6 pages, in the Documents section of this global resonance network on Lightpages. It's got a simple little sketch as an illustration of how it all comes together -- a sketch, I would say, of this divine form we are invited to contemplate.

The divine current -- the HUM -- is the ascending signal rising through the center of this diagram, through the center of the circle, as diversity and local independence and freedom converges into the balanced and graceful unity of absolute oneness...

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