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From: Ram V.
Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009, 1:39 PM
Subject: HUM - activism
Reply to: 269031
ID: 269032

P.S. to my recent post on the above subject: Incidentally, I may add that "HUM" means that we all are the same and One in our essence.....Unity- Consciousness. That's why "SO HUM" deep meditation done with awareness as such is all about cultivating synchronicity between the doer, the doing and the deed. And all all other aspects of living our lives. Please also read the last few lines of my previous post highlight the essence as such. Love....Ram --- On Sun, Oct 18, 2009, in msg269031, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi Bruce, Wolfgand, et all,


 Nice to see you back in your activism at the UCS. As well as your activisim in seeking a triple synchronicity between the doer, the doing and the deed. It is not a coincidence that I just posted my take on the real dreamer to be in sync with the dreaming and the dream to make the whole equation more meaningful from living of life point of view . Also I note that you are inspired to bring about changes in this sublime direction. In this context May I add the following two pieces as ready reference:


1. Our recenct posting at Love Radiance Intention Group site about "Change now with the One that is Changeless". 


2."Once you move beyond dualities and realize that life and death, up and down, in and out are all illusions, they join and become one." Miraculous Living - Rabbi Shoni Labowitz


In my experiential awareness so far, I see the answers in all of them. As well as the action points that we need to understand, to do, to let go and let

It. So that the doer, the dreaming and the dream become one. And life becomes naturally a fulfilling experience to which we all are entitled to.

Comments if any? Kind Regards and best Wishes.......Ram ---


 On Sun, Oct 18, 2009, in msg269030, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

I always feel a strong call to some kind of organizing activism -- doing -- and I also sense the need to "be the change".  Being and doing -- these forces have to be in balance.  My own instinct is -- within this balance, there is a lot we can "do" to help guide and faciliate the most desirable human future.

When I was in the north country rcently, one beautiful place I visited was Glacier National Park in northwest Montana, where I went to a very special place called "Two Medicine" -- a sacred place revered by the native people of the area. 

They tell the story of Running Eagle -- which I found very inspiring.  I've been trying to follow in this path...

Running Eagle  

--- On Sun, Oct 18, 2009, in msg269027, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---

Dear Bruce & dear All!

Bruce: Maybe the simple truth is -- we just got to wait until things are so rough that we reach down into our
souls and find this magic core through which we can rise in this new way...

I fear it will be just this rough way.

The quantity of those who already reach down into their souls still is too small.

Those who could bring up the change, the billions of normal people, by a variety of different political-religious-culturous frames are still drawn away from their essential and identical core and thus focussed on the secondary destinations of their respective social environments. The mere consequence is (the real illusion of) a world divided in adversity and hostility, a world without true love.

The reality of integral, interconnected and mutually supporting balances of the existing complementary counterforces of our cosm is being kept from developing its magic for the ever lasting benefit of all and everything. Nature is being sacrificed for the short ranged goals of profit for the few who run this world.....

Affection - natural sympathy - HUM:

Inka terraces in Moray / Maras to produce various mikro-climata for improving plant fertility and outcome in natural ways:

The Sun - well known source of Life since ages

this movie is about the ever known relevance of the sun and it reveals respective manipulations by various religious tradiations

this movie is about the systematic underlying tools to keep the masses of people just where they are

...... with all my love, Wolfgang





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