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"Science, rather than putting to rest the ancient religion (animism), has given proponents new ways of conceptualizing their beliefs. If energy cannot be destroyed, they claim, but only changed to a different form, why is it not possible to conceive of the notion that life energy, upon the death of the body, takes on a new shape?"
The Religion Book, The Encyclopedia of Places, Prophets, Saints, and Seers - Jim Willis

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Sunday, November 1, 2009, 4:34 PM
Subject: Headlight on the Train
ID: 269097

Ok guys, get ready.


The pure form of this prayer -- Love Rescue Me -- is offered in song by the youth choir in Ireland:

This is the call in its sanctified form, and goes straight into the Sacred Heart of Mary.

It purifies the alignment, and interconnects the planes -- from innocence to the world.

And this (below) version -- is the front-end ceremony that clears the way through the world, opening doors everywhere.

I've played this version 20 times -- U2, Bono, this one with Bobby Dylan.

All of this interconnects -- perfectly, seamlessly, as one...

All guided through the Mala -- through the HUM.

This version is hum AND rattle.

Sometimes you need both.

Interesting -- that Bono is Irish -- and the choir is Irish...

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