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From: Bruce S.
Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 6:56 AM
Subject: HUM - Mala - Unity
Reply to: 269092
ID: 269110

Dear Ram, Dear All --

Good morning.

Ram, thank you very much for these comments.  I've been wanting to respond, and "answer the questions" that you ask here.  I agree that these questions are profound and at the root of what is emerging.

For me, this last period of time has been a rather amazing cycle, with some amazing "ups and downs" -- as I seem to be riding in a kind of spiritual/cosmic elevator that is capable of going up 1,000 stories in a very short amount of time -- OR of going down very quickly.  The energies are extremely sensitive -- and what this is or how it works -- is very new to me.

I do have a new book here with me -- maybe I will be able to talk about this more -- about a spiritual path often called "Sant Mat" -- about "Light and Sound" -- and generally grounded in the classical metaphysics of India.  The book is "The Path of the Masters" -- originally written in the 1930's by an American M.D. who first went to India thinking he would convert people there to Christianity, and instead, met a line of spiritual masters that so impressed him, he was profoundly converted, and became a powerful spokesperson for this tradition.  When I first saw this book, I tried to find it on Amazon -- and did, and they wanted something like $200 for a copy.  However, there was also a note about an ashram in India that would sell you a copy for $12.00 -- and I obtained the book from them.  It's amazing, and more about that later...


Ram: Heartiest congratulations to you, Bruce, for your ongoing springing-up of your unique transformative strengths within you that are spear-headed in taking you towards "Oneness" with all that is through a combination of unique ways.

Bruce:  Thank you.  Yes, it seems that "Oneness" is the fundamental driver or energy-force behind the transformation process.  My issue has been -- HOW do we act as agents to serve this process?  These comments on Mala/HUM/Love Rescue Me have been pointing towards a kind of energy-explosion that might possibly be conceived and nurtured.  But I think there is also another issue, that you Ram would be very sensitive to -- which is, as they say, "Being the change".  In other words -- if we are envisioning a role as oneness-advocates operating through HUM/Love -- it's not enough to see the idea or want to do something.  We have to be "realized", as the Hindus might say.  We have to "be it".  So, that's the energy in the air at the moment...

Ram: From the list of the various movements that you have mentioned, people can pick up movements according to their own unique inclinations. The wonder being they all meet the same fine point at the same Source (that gives sustenance to the universe) from whom all things proceed and to whom all things return.

Bruce: This seems to be at the heart of the mystery.  People are different -- and their differences, when understood in the right way, are a source of power.  You see one side of the situation, I see another side.  If you and I are in resonance, that makes "two sides that we see".  Get fifty people together in resonance, we are "seeing 50 sides".  This is a kind of "10-armed Shiva" approach.  It's "high-dimensional simultaneity".  It's "parallel processing". It is something approaching "the all-seeing eye of God" -- it's a "God-eye view of the world..."

Ram: This is the most sublime point of UNITY-Consciousness where there is full inter-connectivity and relativity of universal brother-hood/sister-hood spirit.

Bruce: Yes, this amazing unity-point -- is maybe what I have been seeing all my life, and calling "ORIGIN" (United Communities of Spirit runs on the domain ) -- and my entire computer system and network runs on the principle of ORIGIN...

The great mystery that we have pursued over the past 10 or 20 or 30 years -- has been -- HOW do we nurture and invoke this unity, in the context of full diversity?  UCS began as the attempt to answer that question -- and in the past 6 years or so, as it became clearer that "it's not about words and ideology, it's about resonance" -- the core of this work moved into the the Global Resonance Network and Lightpages...

My cute little phrase regarding universal communion and liturgy -- "If you don't know the words, you can just HUM..."

In fact, the HUM is more to the point than the words....  The HUM is the whole point and objective of the words....

Now, let me see about answering your questions, from my own point of view...


Ram: To reach this point, my understanding so far tells me that Self-knowing of the following aspects is extremely important:

 1. Who am I (intrinsically)...Self-identity?

Bruce: I am not sure that I (Bruce) actually "know who I am".  What I experience is that this body and personality are an instrument that is highly dedicated to spiritual work, especially in a collective context.  I probably would say something like "I was sent here to do this work, and unfold this mission.  My body and mind and soul have some special qualities -- strengths and weaknesses -- that give me the capacity to do this work in some special ways.  I have a deep and relentless instinct -- indeed, a compulsion at the core of my soul -- to continue on this path, regardless of obstacles or challenges.  I am a lover of God and humanity with an absolute innate passion for unity and the One.  Indeed, for OM and the HUM..."

I am, as I used to say, a "Johnny-One-Note" -- I actually have only one thing to say -- and that one thing -- is HUMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Ram:  2. What am I (made of what traits)?

Bruce Well, I mentioned a few traits.  The primary trait is an absolute instinctive and relentless drive towards Oneness.  I was "born that way", I am built that way, and there's nothing else I can do -- and, really, nothing else I find interesting...

Ram: 3. Where am I in my relationships; with the Self, with the Universe and with the Source?

Bruce: I am doing my best to be in a consecrated devotional relationship with the universal hierarchy of Gurus/Masters -- which, when I honor it correctly, seems to open me to tremendous new vistas -- and which, if I fail or somehow stain that process -- can throw me down into deep sludge..

Ram:  4. What is my purpose of being here in this universe? And what am I doing in this context?

Bruce: My purpose is to unfold my soul in this context, in the highest state of realization I can achieve -- while serving human destiny as best I can.  I believe, as Thich Nhat Hanh has said, that "the coming Buddha is the Sangha" -- by which he means that the next wave of deliverance of humanity does not come through a single charismatic spiritual being -- but through the universal god-energies moving through millions of people...

Ram: 5. Where am I heading; how and when..etc? I further fully acknowledge that the combination of Mala-Hum-Unity understandings and practices are so very helpful in reaching where we individually and collectively wish to reach. In my humble understanding any such movement or movement of movements must be inspired to grow from the seeds that emerge from the TRUEST answers to the above fundamental ( but most important) questions that are intrinsic in nature.

Bruce: You put that so well, Ram. 

These energies emerge from this consecration and devotion.  Yes, we have some techniques and methods -- and those techniques and methods might differ from one person to the next.  I, for example, am not very good at "sitting in meditation" -- at least not if the energy is blocked.  so, I tend to be something of a "karma-yogi".  I "work it out, and then receive grace through devotion" -- something like that...

Ram: Relevant to this realization, then we need to know individually and collectively:

 1. What is my/our Truest wish intention Now relevant to the above mentioned inquiries?

Bruce: My truest intention -- is to be faithful to the path of light, in a way that fully unfolds my own personality and spiritual potential, while at the same time, helping humanity as a larger collective body move towards its highest destiny...

Ram:  2. Through the various ways that you have highlighted, am I/ We slowly, subtly and sublimely moving forward to fulfill that soul-inspired wish on an ongoing basis?

Bruce: Yes -- we are moving along a mysterious track or path, of shared/collective evolution -- listening to one another, learning from one another, growing internally as our realization expands and deepens...

Ram:  3. Am I experiencing my intrinsic nature (of Truth/freedom, Awareness and Joyfulness) in all I do? Where the subject, the adverb and the object are authentic and are in sync with each other?

Bruce: This is a profound question.  How does all of this come into synch?

I am not sure of the answer to this -- but I think it is unfolding -- all around us, and through us.  We are learning more about this every day, and the picture is getting clearer.  We have great guidance from the past, such as this book I have here -- and the fantastic collection of quotes put together by JoAnn Kite, at

My own sense of things right now -- is that there is a very high level of potential energy in  the air right now.  Something is getting born -- I think, I feel -- and we are enabled to call forth these highest potentials.  We are learning, and new possibilities are arising.

Ram: Bruce, these are my initial thoughts on this great inspiration of inspirations that you are radiating from your great sharing at UCS? Another piece of information that I might mention is that the timing is so right for such movements. As we are currently in the midst of the underlying currents that are inspired by the Nature to help us in such synchronicity and move further with the divine flow. This is so very uplifting to note that our relevant feelings-knowings as such are also being supported by astrological predictions.

Bruce: Thank you, Ram.

I think what I will do today -- is address a few questions raised on a web-site about this transition, at

This is Don Beck, on "Designing the Architecture of a Global Transition"

Generally, my answer to all these questions is -- The HUM Project

HUM contains it all -- in the most workable and succinct form I have personally ever seen or conceived.

But these ideas need to be "unpacked" and made coherent.  That's going to take some time.  For right now, the energy is in the form of a very dense and tightly-compacted seed.  That seed must sprout and begin to radiate its many branches and leaves...

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