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"The One is, in truth, beyond all statement: whatever you say would limit It. The All-transcending has no name….But if we do not grasp It by knowledge, that does not mean that we do not seize It at all." Plotinus
Men Who Have Walked With God - Sheldon Cheney

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From: Jane A.
Date: Friday, November 6, 2009, 4:03 PM
Reply to: 269156
ID: 269157

Greetings and Namaste uniQverses!

Thank you Billy! This was really very profound! I love it! As well, this accompanied your message:

"God is not only pure energy but is the creator of all the light-energy from which all worlds are made….From that light every created being or animal or object was created, and so the substance of every plant and animal and man is the original energy of God that we call light." Creation Waits - Agnes Sanford



--- On Fri, Nov 6, 2009, in msg269156, billy unuakhe wrote ---

I need your love implies that i love you.This is simply denoted as;I need Ur love=I love U;where I =the individual ;U=the Universe.That is ,I forms a part of U .It means that I am accomodated inside you;for instance as in a mansion.In this expression so far,only love was unchanged.I fused with U.Therefore,love U remains.Meaning,love is Universal because,love transcends the individual limitations and constraints.


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