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"The mind is in no wise divided from the essence of God. Rather it is bound up with Him as is the light with the body of the sun."
Robert Fludd, Western Esoteric Masters Series - William Huffman, editor

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From: Peter D.
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 5:28 PM
Subject: Another New Book
ID: 269981

Thankyou Joann for the note about your new book, and I wish you success for its use.

I has given me the idea to mention my own work "Metaphysics and The New Age" which was published in August 2009 by Amazon.

I was fortunate in getting a good review by Owen Waters, who has a weekly website "Infinite Being" and his books are free for downloading.

At the same time it is worth noting that the Third Satellite is now in orbit increasing the potency of unselfish spiritual efforts 3000 times; an interesting aside regarding the principle of resonance which makes it possible.

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