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From: Bruce S.
Date: Monday, May 10, 2010, 9:33 AM
Subject: Global Heart
ID: 270061

Just a couple more thoughts for you, Starr*

The last couple of weeks, I've been talking regularly with Carolyn Anderson -- creator of Global Family --

Carolyn is the author of The Co-Creator's Handbook -- and was an organizer, along with Jose Arguelles, of the original Harmonic Convergence -- which I think was 1987.

Carolyn gets this vision in every cell of her body. She has, as she says, "seeded thousands of circles around the world." She worked in Russia back in the 1980's, I think -- when that place was first starting to open up. She understands, and she knows how to do this..

And something she mentioned, in our last phone call, Starr* -- is that in the early 1990's, she was working with a group called "Global Heart" -- which was composed of maybe something like 90 international organizations, that were following this vision as a collaborative...

She said that this Global Heart organization tended to melt and scatter -- and isn't really there right now. But -- we did talk about waking it up again. Maybe this can happen -- a similar concept, maybe new people, maybe some of the old -- something like that, coming together in a new framework intended to support the vision and spirit of the original...

Our group has been a member of Standing Women since its inception and keep a video of it on my site. We never get any love or acknowledgment that we are part of the movement. It's like other people own it and we who encouraged it are distant memories. Even though that link is missing I guess the whole thing is about our own Empowerment to carry the lovely intention forward ourselves and just know we are part of an important movement.

It's interesting that Carolyn's business right now is called "WE" -- "WE LLC" -- meaning "Women's Empowerment" (LLC means "Limited Liability Company"). Women's Empowerment. So, I'd say you are very much in tune with this unfolding...

I think the linking of it to world religions leaves a lot of people out of the movement in these days since many people are making their own spiritual connection to the Universe and rather not be identified with religious organizations.

I don't think this is "either/or". It's not "spiritual people versus religious people". It's people coming together around their common ground, while maintaining respect for differences. If we respect each other, and listen, it's ok that we see things differently. Let's work it out...

I suppose more people are in organized religion these days than not. How to target the whole world is indeed a challenge.

Very true. I think the key here is -- the Deep Mystic Key -- is that circle is powerful....

Circle is integral. Circle integrates. Circle dovetails and nests. It interconnects "recursively" across a cascade of levels -- "as above, so below". The same template and general form "replicates at all levels".

I love your weaving of the circles idea, which makes us think of the flower of life and crop circles. - the circles can even link up with the circular Galactic Waves which causes DNA to change (the same circular waves affecting the entire Universe - spiraling from the Point of Creation (the Truth the scientists are not identifying). The Circle-Net needs to have a Heart in my opinion - a heart that connects with All.

Yes, a heart that connects with All. I totally agree with that. And yes, this idea fully resonates with the Flower of Life concept.

And weaving -- well, maybe weaving is work, maybe it is joy, maybe it is thrilling service to the cause for which we were born...

I like that little model of the loom up in the graphic in our header. It is SO simple, so basic, so intuitive, so natural, so to the essence. I did find lots of complex loom-images -- and this one -- just says it all, in terms people can understand..

Just look at it -- here we are, weaving CIRCLES on what is essentially a square linear matrix -- a linear matrix of rows and columns, just like an Excel spreadsheet or a relational database table.

This is heart-weaving, Starr* Thanks for hanging in there through all the bumpy years. Something is coming...

- Bruce

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