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From: Bruce S.
Date: Sunday, June 27, 2010, 8:42 AM
Subject: Shift Integration - The Power of Community
ID: 270261

Just want to send this video link again, since it was not quite right in the original post. I'm watching this documentary right now, and it is quite good.

"organizing human governance through a contest of power"

"competitive democracy"

"this contest of power model fails to solve our problems"

The video raises many points expressed very well, and I expect to study it carefully. I think this is a very strong statement and can help introduce this conversation to a wider audience in a powerful and persuasive way.

I'd like to see something like a transcript of the video, since I feel many of these issues do demand a careful response in writing.

The video makes too many points and raises too many questions to hold the entire argument in normal awareness -- it is difficult if not impossible to hold all elements of a complex vision in consciousness at the same time -- which is one absolute reason we do need to pursue these kinds of issues in writing.

I know that is the way I have to work -- one little point or section at a time, getting it solid, then moving to the next point. And I have to work within a comprehensive and inclusive framework, within which all these points makes sense and "fit".

I do feel that there is an "emerging vision" -- and we more or less do know what it is. Millions of us can feel it. But it is still difficult if not impossible to hold that vision stable, because it is still emerging, and it is too complex for our minds to hold at any one time.

So, we have to work patiently at it, in systematic ways -- doing our best to get all the "pieces" in position, and putting them together -- like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle, where we are not sure what the final picture is supposed to look like -- though we do have powerful guiding intuitions.

This is more or less what I am doing in my statement on a "vision for a new politics". It is a balance between holistic intuition, to get the entire vision stated in broad terms -- and then fill in the details, so that the specifics of how it actually works are well-understood, and don't leave openings or points of confusion, which can cause the system or vision to fail.

I'd say this video is very helpful, and gets a lot of the important pieces well-stated, by very good and expert people, who do understand the questions, and speak with both experience and professional expertise, as well as heart and real kindness.

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