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From: Andrea D.
Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2013, 6:53 AM
Subject: A Catapillar No More - A Blessing and a Warning
ID: 273628

Hello all! I am new here!

I really, really, don't like doom and gloom stuff, but I feel that this in particular is important to share, based on its convincing connection to reputable sources. (read the rest of my post beyond the links for positive stories!)

I believe in the importance of awareness, even of unpleasant things, because this is where we are truly tested in holding the Light. And we are at a pinnacle cross-roads where now is the time to show what we are made of. We are one with the new Earth emerging, so it is important to be informed.

The three clips below are about events proposed to happen on or around Oct. 1st, 2013, as prepared for by FEMA and other government organizations.

Please don't discard these, but don't react with fear either, or conviction that these things will happen. Things are changing for the better every moment, even if we don't know it. Just read/watch them with an open mind and heart, for your own knowledge. The chaos won't touch you unless part of you dwells in that chaos or you are called to help relieve said chaos. Either way, bless it and appreciate it and return to your center with the help of your Maker. We have a responsibility to act with Love and not fear, because that is our role. We must be the center in the storm. We, as people who understand the nature of endings that are happening right now, have a Creator-given responsibly to nurture the new beginnings.

Read beyond the links for further information and personal experiences.

FBI leak - warning - FEMA and Oct. 1, 2013 ^separate link to the video --->

Coincidentally, FEMA also changes its flood policy on October 1st, 2013.

The Georgia Stone message - for those interested

My mother had a dream about a week ago where she went to an unknown artists' art-exhibit/celebration after feeling the raw power of said artists' Sphinx and symbolic statues throughout the town she was in. While at the event, all the people were celebrating and having a good time. There were speeches, food, etc. My mother didn't know what they were celebrating. (At the conclusion of one speech, there were 5 finely dressed woman in the same outfit at the front, who all clapped, spoke, and gestured at the same time, which she found very odd. I don't have an interpretation for this part. If anyone else does, let me know!)

In the dream, my mother was eating quietly on the exhibit's deck, when she witnessed a huge dragon rise out of the ocean for a flight. She was terrified at first. All the other people celebrating came outside in joy and anticipation to watch this. The dragon then went back into the water, only to rise out of the ocean looking like an "Adonis" as she described, nearly naked. She knew then that this dragon-shape shifting man was the artist of these powerful statues, and that he was a God.

Dream Prophecy: The God-Man said that he is one of the "7 Gods of the Earth" here to make a brand new Earth out of the old Earth.

While the other people in the dream were happy to hear this prophecy, she was confused and didn't know what was going on or what this Man-God meant. She seemed to be a little shaken at this "brand new Earth" thing, especially because she still harbors fears over impending doom over corruption, terrorists, disasters and such.

I explained to her that this is a good omen of the major prophesied changes of our time, and to not be afraid, because the element of ending the old Earth order for a new one is a positive thing, regardless of the upheaval seen in the death process of the old. I explained some things to her like the breaking of the 7 seals described in Revelations, the 7 planes of Creation in Kabbalah (The upper 3 being the Trinity itself), the 7 steps of enlightenment of the Egyptian mystery school, the 7 chakras of the body, among other things.

My mother has had a number of accurate prophetic dreams and psychic experiences before, so she knew deep down not to be afraid, she just needed reassurance.

I did a google search of "7 Gods of the Earth" and found this:

The Annunki: the 7 Great Gods

Interesting, huh? Especially with all of the talk of Niburu/Marduk which is said to house these beings, along with the super strange NASA images that are appearing from Hubble, this one from August 19th, 2013:

NASA Hubble - August, 2013:

This dream she told me reminded me of an experience I had last summer while working as an Undercover Investigator at Loehmanns department store. I was alone at the fitting rooms, and no one was inside. A woman came to use one. As she was walking over, I made the mental decision to place her to the left door of the 3 doors, for some reason. I counted her clothes. "7" I said aloud (I don't know why I said it aloud either, I customarily just grabbed the number and put it on the door).

Then, I turned to pick up the 7, start to walk over to the door, and what do I see? A 7 marker already on the door!!! There is no way it could have appeared there in less than 30 seconds since she walked over. There was no one else there. The woman customer saw it to. She looked at me bewildered, "Did you put that there?", because she had also noticed that it wasn't there before. I made a joke to lighten the mood, "That one must be haunted!", and I put her in a different room, but she wasn't amused, and slinked off into the room, not knowing what to say or do.

In this experience, there were three 7's presented. One, when I mentally placed it on the door, the next when I said it aloud, and thirdly, when it appeared on the door. Since the 777, trinity of sevens all appeared in the realm of physical reality of the 5 senses, it gives me a sense that the message was to embody this new reality that is here now. We must also embody this Earth-Man-God in this new earth.

Just yesterday I felt so strongly about this embodiment-of-God's nature principal, that I went and got the sacred Egyptian Eye of Horus/Ra/Wadjet tattoed on my arm.

Info on this symbol and it's mirror principal is explained here.

I mention the mirror principle because last year, I had an experience with a necklace I have of this symbol, where it moved in front of a mirror by itself. No joke. That is what made me learn about this eye in the first place. When I bought the necklace, I knew very little about it (but that's a story for another time). I want to stick to the point.

My experience with the 7 and my mother's dream about the 7 Gods of the Earth are foretelling the same thing; the new age of Man - happening NOW. It just called out to us in a different way. To my mother in a dream, to me psycho-kinetically. (Yeah, the Force is that cool, Neo.)

We must be prepared for the Death and Re-Birth process, whatever form that takes in our lives. I recently completed a painting illustrating the principles of merging/balancing opposite forces for re-birth and got a Phoenix tattooed on my back to creatively express these changes I sense in me and all around me. I have felt it for years, but now, it is reaching its pinnacle. The re-birth phase is beginning in earnest, stronger than ever.

The opening links may disturb you (they sure disturbed me), but understand that it is all part the ending before the new beginning can start. It is especially important for those of us Aware to stay apprised and in control, in the event of a potentially chaotic situation. We must see it for what it really is, a transition that we are all participating in. We are called to carry God's light to all people, especially in these death-throws of an long-lived era thousands of years in the making. That is no small task.

Again, ONLY approach these links with no fear, because all is operating according to Divine timing and Will, including the people who may pass from this Earth if such an event were to occur. (Divine will includes All wills, which means every soul on this planet, even if their conscious will resists it). We, being a beacon of peace, love, and harmony is the best way to bring healing to such a situation if it were to occur, and hopefully avoid it all together!

Blessings to you all <3,


P.S. - Does anyone know how to post pictures in a post, if possible? Thanks!

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