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Behold Your God - Agnes Sanford

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From: Andrea D.
Date: Thursday, September 5, 2013, 6:21 PM
Subject: Honey, I Think We Need to Talk About Satan
ID: 273635

[Before you read: This is a post that is intended for the "Articles" section, but I can't find an option to post there. I understand that this is a controversial subject, but it is from a the knowledge and perspective of the Infinite Light. Please read it through before making any assumptions. ~Namaste~]

I don't dislike the Devil. I think we should invite him back to the party. It got a little dull without him. He goes by many names, but let's call him Seth for our purposes. The difference now is that we had a real heart to heart with Seth. We put him back in his rightful place. He isn't the big man on campus anymore. You see, Seth had a problem with his ego as far back as he can remember. He's ready to humble himself down now. To think, all this time, he thought he was doing us a favor! Seth's new job description entails harmless mischief at best, and a knock to the ground at worst. We appreciate Seth. Wouldn't life be less fun without Halloween, pranks, and Comedy Central roasts? Wouldn't life be a whole lot less meaningful if there were no consequences or contrast to the Light? Well, wait a minute, a lot of you are probably thinking, "Are you crazy? What about all the suffering and maiming and injustice?" Seth is indeed responsible. As previously stated, Seth was never intended to be in control. He took that role to compensate for individuals asleep to the true reality. There are two sides to Seth, the scary, vampire-like Seth just waiting to attack us from the shadows, and the Seth that brings needed contrast with his school of hard-knocks. The difference lies in our ability to perceive him.

Let’s describe the contrast between an awake and sleeping person experiencing the same tragedy. We will call the sleeping individual Carla and the awake one Rebecca. Carla is prone to prolonged suffering because she dwells in confusion (darkness, non-illumination). She cannot understand why such a thing could ever happen. She never saw it coming, and is afraid that such a thing could happen again. Carla stuffs her fear down and distracts herself with work, shopping, alcohol, family, or any number of things to avoid thinking about what happened. She believes herself to be powerless to circumstance and fears that she and her loved ones may fall apart if it happens again. As a result, Carla’s suffering continues, even if it is not obvious to anyone around her.

Rebecca will also feel the pain of such a tragedy, but knows that she will be able to set it free once she experiences it in its fullness. No attempt is made to numb or distract herself from the pain. She takes the time to properly mourn in the way she sees fit. She might spend time with others experiencing the same thing. She might spend time in solitude and deep contemplation. Whatever the method, eventually the lesson of the tragedy is understood and the pain released. Rebecca understands the sacred laws of Creation. She knows that when a lesson is fully understood, that the experience need not occur again. If it does, she will know that she didn’t fully understand the lesson, and will face it again without fear. Rebecca also knows that she will never be given more than she is capable of handling. She does not feel powerless, but instead knows the power bestowed on her by her Creator, and trusts Him/Her completely.

Garbage and dirty dishes are piling up in your unlit apartment (the Self), lifetime to lifetime, and you can't see it. It’s too dark. You can't see the things you are collecting. These are things you would never collect if you saw them. Your hair is tangled in knots and mascara is smeared across your face, and you didn’t even get lucky. So in comes Seth, hired by God to play the very role he is asked to play. He is the consequence of the very filth we are unaware of. Without him, we would never see it, because we would never want to see it. The Bible describes "the morning star", ironically, as both Jesus and Satan. The difference is that Jesus is pure, and Satan is fallen. Here is a symbolic way to look at Heaven (pure) and Earth (fallen). How can we have "Heaven on Earth" until both elements are balanced? It is only after we can see the mess we made that we can clean it up.

Seth is actually doing us a big favor. After we get a good cup of coffee, finish cleaning our filthy house, and take a shower, we can ask good ol' Seth to step down from his post as master (we didn’t consciously call him “master”, but he was, nonetheless, as we groped around in the dark.) We realize that God is our only Master. Seth is merely an employee doing his job. We don't have to fire him either. There is a little bit of Seth in everyone. Seth can show up in so many ways. When we tease, use sarcasm, feel liberated reading a book like "Fight Club", feel a healthy amount of pride, feel the satisfaction of winning against a competitive rival, flirt with a stranger, or scare the living daylights out of a young camping group with our ghost stories. These things, when done responsibly with no ill-will, for the sake of humor or pleasure, are part of the spice of life. If there is any disrespect, malice, or sense of superiority involved in such activities, this isn't the enlightened manifestation of Seth, but his more sinister form that appears when a person is not conscious of the fact that we are all One.

We shouldn't deny our mischief, but only understand that it must operate in perpetual balance with all of our attributes. We chose this game. As soon as humanity ate from a tree where we "would surely taste death" (God didn't sugar coat anything), we made a choice. We made a choice to earn our way back to paradise. That’s where Seth comes in. He plays an important role in this mission. It is our role not to deny our baser nature, but to integrate it into our higher nature, thus striking a perfect balance of how to best live on Earth. Heaven on Earth cannot be achieved without this. The Earth represents the animal nature, whereas Heaven represents our spiritual nature. It is necessary that both of these elements come together. So let's see the Seth for what he is. He is not the all-consuming monster that we have been indoctrinated to believe he is. He is only this, in our minds, when we are in the dark and cannot see him coming. Then, in our fear, we inflate his image into something terrible.

We have to get to the very depths of what the Devil is before we can observe his true form. I don’t want to make light of just how frightening he can be when we haven’t gotten there yet. I speak from experience when I tell you that this is no easy task. In fact, it is the most difficult task you will face on your road to Oneness with the Divine. It took me years to slay him, only to later invite him back to the party as a buddy instead of an enemy (he was acting). During that time, he appeared to me in visions and dreams as a heartless, robotic sniper killing everyone in his path. She appeared as a demon-like creature breathing on my face and sitting on top of me while I slept. As I began to overcome the fear and rely and trust in God’s Goodness completely, he began appearing in less frightening forms, next time as a grumpy green gnome that I witnessed while meditating one day. After years of the Ascention process and its related challenges, I plummeted to the depths of myself in a dream one night. In a barren room with a mirror in the center, I saw the Devil for what she really is. I saw myself.

It was then that I realized that each and every time that we self-sabatoge, hold resentment, project negative thoughts at ourselves or others, lie, take advantage, don’t listen, don’t take responsibility for our actions, act in self-righteousness when we know we are wrong, and worst of all, give in to fear… We embody the very thing we are trying to get away from. It doesn’t matter if you are a good person. I am a good person, most people I have encountered are good people, and still we have all been guilty of some, if not all, of the things I listed at some point in our lives. To practice such behaviors is consigning ourselves to prison. Just look at the tarot image for the Devil; a man and a woman are held captive with a chain around their necks. Ironically, it isn’t the Devil holding them there! In the image, you can see that the collar is large enough for the man and woman to easily slip out of!

It’s no coincidence that, according to legend, a vampire has no reflection. An undead parasite on the living can’t have a reflection, because he ultimately isn’t real. Every one of us has been created to be the perfect vessel to embody the Infinite Light. Our true form is like a waterfall that never runs dry, or one candle who lights a thousand other candles. Christ himself said, “All of these things that I do, you can do.” Still, there are people out there preparing for a zombie apocalypse. The only zombie that man can ever be is the illusion of one in his own mind. If you have ever seen the last installment of Harry Potter, Harry encounters his nemesis, Voldermort, in his true form after Harry dies. Voldermort appears as a slimy white baby that doesn't look developed enough to be born. You get the picture.

The clearer and cleaner we are, the more we understand that the big, bad, scary Devil is little more than that friend with no shame who gets on your nerves at times, but you love him anyway. It is only our perception of a situation that determines our attitude towards something, which in turn determines our behavior. Change your perspective, change the world. I will tell you, you must first open your heart to receiving the unconditional love of the Divine before this type of Awareness will make sense to you. It is only the Light from above that can open the eye of your heart, and then the eye of your mind. You will come to see that God is everywhere, in every moment, in everything. The way in which we express what God has presented to us is our choice. We will all end up in the same place eventually, back to the Paradise we were always intended to live in. The only difference being that we will be much wiser than we were the first time around.

Written by Andrea J. DiBella 9/5/13

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