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From: Lucky S.
Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 5:57 PM
Subject: Retreat details
ID: 253452

Welcome to Evolutionary Women!

We are pleased and very excited to give you this first set of details about the retreat. As you know, begins on Friday Aug 11. We can already feel "the field of energy" building as you all prepare to join us here in Santa Barbara. Below are some details we think will be helpful.

Conference Call
Everywoman Bazaar
Travel Arrangements and extra day stays
Brief Retreat Schedule

Conference Calls

This is an opportunity to meet some women before you arrive. You can ask questions and we’ll share any new information. This is totally optional and we know everyone may not be able to make it.

These are the dates and numbers, come to one or both, the only cost to you will be the long distance call.

Call # 1
Mon. Jul 24 6PM PT, 7PM MT, 8PM CT, 9PM ET
Dial-in number: 1-712-432-2222
Access Code number: 81106

Call # 2
Tues. Aug. 1 6PM PT, 7PM MT, 8PM CT, 9PM ET
Dial-in number: 1-712-432-2222
Access Code number: 81106

We look forward to talking with you.

The Everywoman Bazaar

Saturday night is a special treat. After dinner we will have the EVERYWOMAN BAZAAR. This is an opportunity for each woman to share herself in a very personal way. This is what it looks like. Each of you will have a chair. The chairs are a good size with high backs and arms. You will decorate your chair with anything you’d like to display, art, work, family, favorite causes, or not at all as this is optional. We will arrange the chairs in a way that we can walk around them easily and Saturday evening will be dedicated to seeing, mingling, talking, connecting and generally enjoying ourselves and discovering the diversity, skills, talents and interests of each other.

Whether you want to do a “display” or not is optional. Some women aren’t interested in preparing a chair and enjoy participating in the viewing and sharing of the evening very much.

This is a demonstration of what’s up for us as women. A chance to share our gifts, to share our interests, families etc. In the past we’ve had knitters and glass artists, advertising executives and psychotherapists. Moms/Grandmoms with pictures, entrepreneurs, activists informing us of their causes and so much more… you will decorate your chair with whatever you bring.

PLEASE don't worry about this.... it is not a competition. (I say this because I am so un-creative with crafts ...Bonnie) You'll put your stuff on the chair.... and we'll all be wandering and having quality time just hanging out. Music will be playing and it is amazingly festive. So bring something colorful or playful to wear. You'll love this evening, it is spontaneous and wonderful.

Travel Arrangement

When you make your travel arrangements be sure I (Bonnie) know if you need to stay an extra night (Thursday) before we begin and/or an extra night at the end (Sunday) or more. Bonnie's email is: bkaback@gte.net I've corresponded with many of you but if you haven't talked to me about this, or if you want to confirm your plans then please let me know!! The (extra night) cost for a shared room is approximately $64 extra and a single is $87. If you are in a single room already you'll just stay in that same room and if you are sharing, we'll try to have you in a shared room on those extra days but sometimes it might not work out. The extra meals are somewhere between $10-15 for each extra meal. As you can see it is very reasonable. Also drop me a line about when you are coming in etc... just so I know your whereabouts! If you are driving you can Google the retreat center: Casa de Maria el Bosque.... be sure you look at "el bosque" because there are two campuses. Please don't call them! They ask us to answer all questions... so call me (8O5) 564-2005. If you can't pull the directions off the computer I can email them to you.

Brief Retreat Schedule

Friday night will be 7-10PM. Saturday starts about 9AM... we'll break for lunch, noonish and return at approx 2PM.... Dinner is from 5:30 to 7PM and we'll go until 10PM. Then Sunday is 9-Noon and we'll finish with lunch together. DRESS IS CASUAL... Casa de Maria is simple and lovely... lots of wandering space, little nooks and crannies, gardens, beautiful places to meditate and walk. You can wear anything you like... Bring something fun and festive for Saturday night.

If you are staying at Casa de Maria dinner on Friday is at about 5PM and check in is 3:00PM.

If you are commuting be sure to be there before 7PM because we'll start right at 7PM.

We still have room for a few more women, so let your friends know and contact us if we can help.
OK... We hope these details begin to fill in some of the pieces but not too many because we're all living in the delightful mystery of anticipation and joy! Soon we will come together to discover our common unity and brilliant connections.
Bonnie and Lucky

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