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From: Julie H.
Date: Thursday, July 27, 2006, 3:18 PM
Subject: Prayers for Karen Latvala
ID: 253538

Dear Evolutionary Women,

As many of you know, Karen Latvala, from Colorado, attended the December conference, and has written messages to us on the Forum pages over these past months.

In the past few days, she took seriously ill, and was rushed to hospital in Colorado Springs where she was in Intensive Care Unit as the doctors tried to diagnose her condition. She is now back in her home town hospital, but they have not yet discovered what is wrong.I have just received this message from one of our mutual circles-- the Vessels of Peace--:

"Karen is in Heart of the Rockies Medical Center, in Salida, Colo. - apparently went in a couple of days ago after several days of extreme fatigue and other symptoms. They have been running tests – no diagnosis yet, but one of the things they are exploring is the possibility of hanta virus. Pneumonia apparently has been ruled out. She was very short of breath while talking to me, even though just resting in bed ... She asks us for our prayers and healing energy ..."

I invite your prayers and blessings on her behalf. I'll keep you informed. Thank you, peace and love to you all, Julie

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