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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Friday, July 28, 2006, 2:44 PM
Subject: Invitation to reflect back your evolution!
ID: 253559

Dear Evolutionary Women, new and old,

I am completely and utterly grateful that we are “evolutionary women”, becoming visible together. In support of that visibility, as my anthropologist-self, I would be so delighted to do a “research report” on what is happening with us.

Translation: Would you be willing to send me an update of what “evolution” has occurred in your life, since our first meeting last December? I would take your information, hold it oh so tenderly, and invoke from spirit just the right words to reflect back the whole of us, and what has happened, energized by our gathering. (If you are just joining our group, I would also love to hear from you about your life’s change over the last 6 months. We are, after all, One arising!)

I would mostly let your intuition be the guide of what is important to say, and think of writing a paragraph or two at the most. That said, I might point to new projects or connections that have resulted from the first Evolutionary Women’s Retreat, new evolutionary awarenesses that have begun to guide your life, shifts in your personal situation that seem to be tied to new understandings.

To respond you can post a message on the Evolutionary Women Online Conversation. (If you’re willing to share your response there, your visibility might just be catching!) If you’re feeling private, you can simply reply to me at derousseau@aol.com, or post to your personal information on LightPages (click on POST, then “Contact info and preferences”, then type your response into the space labeled “My Evolution since December 05”). I will be very honoring of your privacy.

We are the living data of what is evolving, and I am so honored to be in the position of making this request.

All my love,

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