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From: Sage K.
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 1:57 PM
Subject: AfterBirth
ID: 253924

Dearest Sisters,

Let it be known that my voice is active on the Evolutionary Light Pages! Woohoo!

I am making deep and lasting changes in my personal and professional life.

This morning, I wrote to a friend:

"I feel as though my head is out of the womb and I'm starting to breathe, but my body is squished by the walls still and the umbilical cord may be wrapped around me. It's a struggle, and as I place my attention on What I Can Do Today Toward My Chosen Life, I feel better. "

I've begun reading Emergence. Yes, Barbara, you are writing about me. I am a young Universal Human, and today I am wiping the caul off of my newly self-birthed body. I am beautiful and new, wet with the womb water, and yet still attached by the cord. And I am cutting it myself, with my sisters as witness.

I love you all. And I would love to hear your gorgeous voices as well. Sage

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