Evolutionary Women Go to your Light Center

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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2006, 11:56 PM
Subject: Login to LightPages
ID: 253962

Dear lovely Evolutionary Women,

I cannot believe how fast everything is moving since our gathering last weekend. So here's some more information to speed things up a bit (...to get that virtual nervous system up and operational!)

Below you will find your username and password, and a link to LightPages (also www.LightPages.net). After you logon, click the drop down menu of available lightpages, and choose Evolutionary Women.

In general the buttons on the left, evoke a set of possible links in the upper right or on the page itself. Choose the ONLINE CONVERSATION button to send a message to the group.

Other possibilities: You can POST what you have to offer and what you're calling for under WHO I AM, POST messages to each other as part of our ONLINE CONVERSATION, POST a REPORT about the gathering, or SEARCH for services you need or specific EVOLUTIONARY WOMEN. And there's a calendar to POST any EVENTS that you may be offering.

If you have any questions, let me know at derousseau@aol.com. Shall we have a training call?

I'm noticing that I am already being called to presence myself on the Internet with the spaciousness and wholeness of an Evolutionary Woman. I'm sure our field is at work here! Thank you for this, for all that you hold when you logon, and for the sweet companionship of this moment,

Love, Jeanie

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