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From: Lucky S.
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2006, 3:45 PM
Subject: Reunion Call, Feedback and Thoughts
ID: 254064

New Moon, New Sun Sign, It's all Virgo Today.

Hello Evolutionary Women,

Included here:

Some thoughts from me

Reunion call information

Feedback request

I'm missing you... I have a sweet and potent memory close to my heart of each and everyone of you. The retreat was wonderful for me. The space we create together is so fine...the resonance happens quickly and stays strong, there are threads still in my aura. Thank you so much for being the ones who heard the call and made the time and resources possible to attend.

I love being in resonant groups. I also love being with myself and integrating what I have received from others. I've been doing this for the last week and I'm glad to say I have accepted the energies, lessons and joys of our time together.

These are some of things I learned through the retreat;

The women who come to these retreats are the essence of the event.

Being together face-to-face is important. The current evolutionary movement is going to be non-local in every sense of that word. We will find our partners and alliances through all the media available to us and some of our close associates, we may never meet. AND it is so special at this time to be able to gather together and breathe together and see each other and the Bazaar!!! how wonderful to see our self expressions.

The retreat works as an effective container of this level of our system. I had wondered if December's success had been a one time thing, would it really work again? And it did because the women who come are committed to their own evolution, actively moving with Universal flow to do their expression of the larger process and open to connection with their sister spirits. How could it not work?

Being with Evolutionary Women strengthens all aspects of who I am and what I am doing to further the peaceful and graceful evolution of humanity,now.

Reunion Call

It's been our practice to have calls with women from the retreat soon after the event. This is a time to reconnect, to share what's on our mind and hearts and to touch back into the resonance. You are invited and I hope you will be able to make it. If you can, I'd love to hear some rsvp's so I have a sense of how big a telebridge I need, but it's not required. Here are the details:

Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2006


Dial in # 1-712-432-2222

Access code # 81106

The only cost to you is you long distance call.

Feedback Survey

I've attached a copy of the Feedback Survey. It would be so helpful to us if you would complete the feedback form and either email or snail mail it to us. Bonnie and I really want to know what works best and what you would like to see added and any interests you have for EW's future.

Thanks again for your participation in the retreat. I look forward to talking with some of you next week.

Bonnie's been traveling and returns this weekend. She sends her Love and Light to all.

With great love and appreciation,

I will stay awake with you.


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