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From: Heather R.
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2006, 6:47 PM
Subject: Diving into the Divine Feminine Class
ID: 254104

Diving Into the Divine Feminine

Enter into a sacred space to rediscover the true feminine within and bring it into the world

What is the divine feminine?

The divine feminine is the mystery, beauty, and light of the world. Our healed feminine allows us to experience deep peace and inner knowing. It is true power that comes from the depths of divine love and Mother Earth’s sacred heart.

In this six week course we will dive deeply into what is truly means to live in our divine feminine. Living from our divine feminine means that our divine masculine is also embodied in us and we walk in balance in the world.

This class will explore different Goddess archetypes-shadow and light– and we will embrace and use this energy in all aspects of our lives. This is a safe space to explore our pain, fear, wisdom, love, light, and true essence. Shamanic processing, guided meditation, and ceremony will be used to clear the old story and open to our true radiant selves.

Welcome to the new paradigm of feminine experience.

Monday September 11, then Thursdays for 5 weeks beginning September 21 6:30-9:30 PM

Taught by Heather Rose 646-3858

I am also creating a class in SB and LA

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