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From: Carol A.
Date: Saturday, October 21, 2006, 11:35 AM
Subject: Dancing in Life
Reply to: 257005
ID: 254524

Dear Andrea,

Thank you for that lovely story of your reconnection to your body through movement. Yes, that last class sounds like a glorious graduation/emergence of your spirit expression through the physical. I love to dance, I have always danced, so I could really revel in the joy of your movement expression. It was interesting for me to read it this morning because my story is just the opposite. I need to stop moving, to slow down, and for a while, to stop "whole body" dancing. I have been moving at warp speed all my life and now I have severe adrenal fatigue. So while your wellness message has been to reconnect with the joy of movement, mine is to reconnect with the joy of stillness, and the patience of waiting. Thank you for the example of your schedule ...instead of 4 hours of movement every day, I am going to mark in my calendar 4 hours of stillness and relaxation every day. I'll meet you in a year on the Evolutonary Women dancefloor! And Belly Gong? I had never heard of that...but that is definitely something to look forward to! With love,

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