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From: Lucky S.
Date: Friday, December 29, 2006, 1:04 PM
Subject: Happy Announcement
ID: 255275

Dear Evolutionary Women,

So good to even write that. Merry Merry and Happy Happy. May 2007 bring you all you wish for.

Evolutionary Women has a wonderful expansion ahead of us. We are having a retreat on the East Coast!!!

Andrea Hylen, who attended both Santa Barbara retreats, is serving as the East Coast Coordinator for the event. The Retreat will be April 13-15, 2007 at the Pearlstone Retreat Center in the rolling hills of Maryland, just outside of Baltimore.

Bonnie, Andrea and I are are very excited. We are in the process of updating the website and developing the materials for registration etc. When they are done we'll let you know and ask for your support in spreading the word.

We love you so much. You are the pioneering women who are birthing the the new age. Thank you for contributing your energy into Evolutionary Women in the past year. You are evolution in human form and we appreciate everyone of you.

Best of everything to you in the new year.

Much Love,

Lucky,Bonnie and Andrea

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