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From: Julie H.
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2007, 8:09 AM
Subject: An Evolutionary Woman's Message
ID: 255921

Dear EW Sisters, I received this message today from a friend, Valentine's Day, and wanted to send it along to you all. I do not know anything about the author, Barbara Snow, but felt this spoke for much of what many of us are feeling. Peace in all directions, Julie

As the return of the Goddess moves from myth to reality, you may be feeling Her presence. You may recognize the stirrings of Gaia’s soul as She turns and stretches within our planet like every fetus in the womb. You may be feeling your own passion to evolve that mirrors Her process, for we are Her and She is Us. Yet we are also the flow of Divine Light from Mother Source into and onto the planet. We embody as we move through our daily lives the evolution for which the world has hungered and prayed for eons.

Somewhere inside you know it. You can feel the power rising. You are growing into more than you ever dreamed, and as you remember Who you Are, the intensity of your longing increases and the flames of your passions refuse to be banked any longer. Love pours through you for lovers and children, friends and All Creation, even as the expansion of your perceptions propels you into unknown territory where they cannot yet follow. You may feel acutely alone.

It can be frightening, this sense that to do the work of your Soul, you have to let go of everything known. Trust the provision. Your children will continue to be cared for. Your partners and lovers must have the opportunity to embrace with you the unfolding vision. You cannot hold back for anyone, for only by stepping into the new vibration can we transform All That Is.

You may crave time to be with your Self and fear what you will find in the solitude. Go there. Learn to love all of your selves. This birthing is an unknown in which women are particularly engulfed, because we are Her channels, both mirrors and momentum of Her transformation and Ours. We sense the power of Creation rising around us and within us as we learn to manifest all that is good and beautiful, yet we tremble at the responsibility. We feel how much we need each other: to hear and encourage, to acknowledge our strength and creativity, to receive each other’s peace and wisdom. Trust your Self and each other. Open your arms to a sister who grieves and take the hand of one who fears. The gentle ripples of our circles spread oceans of Light. We are about to mid-wife the New World, and we are ready.

Intend expansion of your ability to embody Light. Breathe deeply and fully and take care of your physical form. Be wholly present and awake in each moment, accepting What Is. Notice. Trust what you know. Trust your heart. Feel passionately. Stand strong in gratitude. We are living the prophecies, Dear Ones. We are helping bring Heaven to Earth.

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