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From: Judith hurley P.
Date: Saturday, March 31, 2007, 5:33 PM
Subject: Nev.Co.GTW April Newsletter
ID: 256700

Dear GTW Sisters,

We are excited to welcome over 130 new women to our e-list, bringing the total of you receiving this newsletter to 350. We send out a local e-mail once a month and you may also receive periodic updates from GTW Global Matrix. If you do not receive anything from the Global Matrix and want to, just go to www.gatherthewomen.org and follow the prompts to enroll yourself. It's a great way to get the big picture and to see how we are all connected.

In this e-mail you will find the circles and events happening in April. If you have an idea or project you want to pursue with others, please come to the April 17 Follow-Up meeting (see info. below). It's your chance to enroll others and to gain support for what you want to contribute.

By connecting with other women heart to heart, we are able to step forward and create the world as we want it to be. Now is the time.

May you walk in beauty, Judith Hurley Prosser


Mondays, April 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30 6:45 pm

Contact Sharyn McDonald 265-0903

The Monday night Book Circle (currently closed because they are in mid-book) will be meeting at Sharyn McDonald's. They are completing reading "The Female Brain" by Louann Brizendine, MD. The group will be selecting a new book as of May 7, so get in touch with Sharyn if you want to be included in the process.

MEDITATION CIRCLE Wed., April 4, 6pm

Contact: Patt Lind-Kyle 478-9622 patt@lindandkyle.com

The meditation is a form of East and West meditation using as its base the new brain research on meditation and Buddhist meditation. This group usually meets the first Wed. of the month at Patt's meditation cottage and is open to new members. Please call Patt to confirm attendance and get directions..


Thur., April 5, 6:45pm-9:00pm

Contact: Marilyn Nyborg 477-8080 marilyn@nydow.com

Be a part of the circle that is the source of Gather the Women in Nevada County. All are welcome. We will be planning for the April 17 Follow-up Evening and the Mother's Day Picnic.


Tues., April 17, 6:45 - 9:00 pm

Nevada City Methodist Church, 433 Broad St., Nevada City

Contact: Marilyn Nyborg 477-7883

This is our annual follow-up meeting to the March 8th event. It's your chance to come together with other women to connect on a more personal basis. New circles form out of this evening, based on what the women there want to do. If you have an idea you would like to share, an issue you are passionate about, this is the place to put it out and ask for others to join you. Each of the circles you see listed above came out of one these gatherings, as well as the Town Hall women's meetings on Meth. This is the launching pad for our entire year with Nevada County Gather the Women. You will want to be there!


Thur., April, 19, 7:00-9:30 pm

Contact: Janice O'Brien 265-5403 JimJan1566@aol.com

This group usually meets on the third Thursday of each month and is open to new members. They use the principles of Christina Baldwin's, Calling the Circle - First and Future Culture to ask and discern solutions to personal challenges as well as community issues. This circle is what brought about Janice's involvement with starting Hospitality House - the Shelter for the Homeless. Please call her for more information and directions.


Thur., April 26, 6:45 - 9pm

Contact Judith Hurley Prosser judith@shocking.com

This group, with attendees constantly changing, has been meeting for 5 years. You do not need to be an expert drummer. Just come with a willingness to allow Spirit to move through you with the rhythm of the drum, rattle, chant, song, dance. Our evenings provide the magic of coming home to yourself. If you want to participate, please e-mail Judith for directions.


Contact: Susanna Dimmitt 268-2439 soozdim@aol.com

This group is currently taking a break and will regroup in April. They are reading "At the Root of this Longing" by Carol Lee Flinders. All women are welcome and are invited to bring a friend as well. For more information please call Susanna.


Contact: Lynn Wenzel 470-0360 lwinparadise@sbcglobal.net

Please submit your ideas that speak from a woman's heart for publication in The Union. Articles have been appearing, so now is your chance to express your views.


Contact: Sharon Rose sharon@rosewoodsrealestate.com

Sharon Rose is our contact for other women's events in Nevada County. If you would like to be on her list to receive this info., please e-mail her. Organizations involved with this event are Northern Mines BPW(Business and Professional Women), The League of Women Voters, AAUW, (American Association of University Women), Soroptomists of Grass Valley, Nevada County Citizens for Choice, the Domestic Violence and Assault Coalition, and Nevada County Gather the Women.


DVDs of the magical and powerful March 8 event at Miner's Foundry can be ordered for $20 postpaid. Copies of the 2006 event, Women's Voices, Women's Visions, are also available. Send checks to Yuba Gals, 15504 Lone Bobcat Way, Nevada City, CA 95959. Or purchase online by credit card at www.yubagals.com. Info: janaia2004@yubagals.com, 265-4244.


GTW Mother's Day Picnic, Sunday, May 13

Bring your families, have a picnic, and join with thousands across the country in taking five minutes of silence to imagine the world as you wish it to be. Details on time and location in our May newsletter.

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