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From: Lucky S.
Date: Friday, April 13, 2007, 9:23 PM
Subject: We're doing Great
ID: 256836

Hi Julie, Nina and Jeanie,

Thanks for your blessings and good wishes. Things are great here. We had a wonderful Friday night. 55 terrific women. The energy is great and we are very happy.

Marilyn Tedeschi, Connie Eberhart, Annette Cameron, Jenna Wexler, Joanna Clark, Carolyn Anderson and of course, out East Coast Coordinator, Andrea Hylen are all returnees which significantly boosts the energy in the room. It's great to see them all.

Just before we left SB, we contracted with La Casa to do a retreat there July 27-29. We're going to focus on women as leaders in the 21st Century. More details later. Save the date.

Thank you for thinking of us all here. Your energy is received and contributes grace to the whole.

Lots of Love, Bonnie and Lucky

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