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From: Connie E.
Date: Sunday, April 22, 2007, 9:25 PM
Subject: A message from Connie Eberhart
ID: 256910

Hello Lovely Ladies,

I had such a powerful weekend and thoroughly enjoyed meeting each of you!

I wanted to pass along info on how to view the meditation that I introduced on Sunday. Please investigate further this AMAZING woman, Anita, and some of the work that she is doing! She is also located in Annapolis, Maryland!


That was my affiliate link, if that does not work you can also go to www.divinitymovie.com. Again, be sure to learn more about her other wonderful programs! She is definitely an Evolutionary Woman!

Also check out a video she has posted on her blogsite. It is a speech made by a 12 year old girl who ALSO is an EXTRAORDINARY EVOLUTIONARY WOMAN! Go to: www.powerofourway.blogs.com

I got some really great footage of the Retreat! However, the sound quality is not particularly good. I will have a microphone hooked up to the camera next time....still learning......I am now learning how to get it off the camera and onto my computer and edited! I will let you know as soon as I have something for you!

One more website: www.ussf2007.org

Much Love to You All!

Connie Eberhart

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