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From: Lucky S.
Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2007, 3:57 PM
Subject: Evolutionary Teleclass
ID: 257104

Evolutionary Women


Living an Evolutionary Life Women as Co-Creative Leaders of the 21st Century

A Teleclass for Women

With Lucky Sweeny and very special guest Barbara Marx Hubbard

9 Thursdays evenings beginning May 17 at 5:30 PT, 6:30 MT, 7:30 CT, 8:30 ET (remaining classes will meet at 6PM PT...)

At this time of crisis on planet Earth, there is a call for women to move into positions of greater authority. Merging our talents, skills and experience with the deep inner knowing of our connection to a larger universe and evolution; we as the Feminine Co-Creator, become the leading edge and wayshowers to a world that works for everyone.

You will have the unique opportunity to be inspired by the original Evolutionary Woman, Barbara Marx Hubbard. Barbara is a world renowned futurist, author and speaker, all well documented at www.barbaramarxhubbard.com. Barbara will bring to our group a 40 year experience of her own self evolution and how it mirrors and synchronizes with the social evolution of the planet. Barbara will join us live for 3 of the teleclasses

Join us as we rebirth and expand the meaning of “leadership” and bring forth the wisdom of our lives to serve and guide the next stage in evolution. We will create support and connections to further our individual and collective work.

What’s included in this package:

9 75 minute Teleclasses/discussions focusing on all areas of an Evolutionary Life, this will include 3 classes with Barbara Marx Hubbard

2 Individual Coaching sessions with Lucky Sweeny to work on your own projects or process

Optional Support Group every other week to further integrate the work, either:

In person in Maryland with Andrea Hylen, Evolutionary Women, East Coast Coordinator or

On the phone, with Bonnie Kelley, Co-founder of Evolutionary Women

For Evolutionary Women all of this is only: $450. And you may make 3 payments.

For information or to register: contact Andrea at ahylen@comcast.net or 410.536.0220 or Bonnie Kelley 805.564.2005 bkaback@gte.net


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