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From: Lucky S.
Date: Friday, May 11, 2007, 3:50 PM
Subject: Free Phone Call Monday
ID: 257134

Evolutionary Women Invites YOU To a Free Phone Discussion with Lucky Sweeny to explore

Living an Evolutionary Life Women the Co-Creative Leaders of the 21st Century

Monday May 14 at 6 PM PT, 7PM MT, 8PM CT, 9PM ET

Phone # 1-712-432-2222 Access code # 041307

We’ll look at these questions:

Where are you in the process of claiming and living your highest potential?

What obstacles exist to you being your highest potential?

What support do you need to be your highest potential?

This rich discussion will give you an experience of the Teleclass with Lucky Sweeny and Barbara Marx Hubbard “Living an Evolutionary Life.”

You are invited for this experience and to contribute your magnificence to the discussion. There is no obligation attached to this invitation.

About the Teleclass: Living an Evolutionary Life: Women the Co- creative Leaders of the 21st Century

With Lucky Sweeny and aBarbara Marx Hubbard

9 Thursdays evenings beginning May 17 at 5:30 PT, 6:30 MT, 7:30 CT, 8:30 ET

What’s included in this package:

9 75 minute Teleclasses/discussions focusing on all areas of an Evolutionary Life, this will include 3 classes with Barbara Marx Hubbard

2 Individual Coaching sessions with Lucky Sweeny to work on your own projects or process

Optional Support Group every other week to further integrate the work.

All of this is only: $450. And you may make 3 payments.

For information or to register: contact Andrea at ahylen@comcast.net or 410.536.0220 www.evolutionarywomen.org

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