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From: Julie H.
Date: Saturday, June 23, 2007, 9:13 AM
Subject: Message from the Goddess Clock
ID: 257486

Message From the Goddess Clock

Two years ago I was in an art gallery in Crestone, Colorado, and was drawn to a clock on the wall. It was fairly large and round like ones on a ship, and the face was divided into twelve beautifully and colorfully hand-painted representations of the Goddess. At 12 o’clock was Virgin de Guadelupe--the Mexican Queen, then continuing around the clock was Athena-- powerful Greek goddess of justice and wisdom; Kali--Hindu goddess as creator and destroyer of time, womb and tomb; Ceres--Roman goddess as earth mother; Amaterasu--Japanese Shinto goddess of sun and day; Saraswati --Hindu goddess of knowledge, arts, true wisdom; Venus-- Roman goddess of love, harmony and passion for enlightenment; Corn Matrika--Native American goddess of education and corn personified as woman; Kwan Yin--Chinese goddess of mercy and protector of women and children; Diana--Roman goddess as huntress, the moon, intuition and self-empowerment; Lakshmi--Hindu goddess of good fortune, beauty and expansion; and Isis-- Egyptian goddess of magic and alchemical transformation. I bought the clock without even hesitating.

I look at the clock many times a day, of course… and also wave incense to it each morning as I go through my entire home honoring all the representations of Divine that live with me. On one occasion the clock was central to a beautiful ceremony with several other women as we sat amongst the candles and flowers around it and held space for a womens’ event happening somewhere else that day. I suspect the clock will attend more events over time!

One morning, as I stood in front of the clock, I spoke to the circle of goddesses and rather conversationally asked them if they were pleased with women, all around the world, coming together more and more for shared purpose. It was not lost on me that the goddesses were in circle, as well. I asked them if they had a message for me, and I got: “We know who we are.” It came to me in such a strong way and it was so very clear. They each know fully who they are and therefore they can, without any hesitation, false modesty, or articfice, presence their gift to the world. Because they not only know who they are, but are comfortable with themselves, they can truly fulfill the service to which each of them is called.

As we move more into our awareness of our essential feminine nature, we can remember that what we do with our time and energy keeps aligning us to who we really are. One idea is to find a goddess or feminine deity that most expresses our unique quality or gift. We can focus on Her not to worship Her at a distance, but in order to learn from Her and to imbibe the qualities about Her that so speak to our deepest heart. We can begin to imagine standing in that power and beauty and confidence and purpose, and then we can practice it, and then, more importantly, we can model it for others. I fully believe this is the time now for us to do so.

One final thought that came at almost the same time as the message from the clock. In the past 50 years or so, spiritual teachers—many from India and the East—have come to the West and helped awaken our kundalini energy via esoteric practices and Grace. The kundalini is described as the sacred feminine that lies coiled and dormant in our energy body until it is awakened and once again begins to rise to unite with the Infinite. Many, many millions of people have received this awakening and it seems no coincidence that it coincides with the powerful rising of feminine consciousness circling the globe at this time.

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