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From: Bonnie K.
Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 5:42 PM
Subject: Evolutionary Women - What is Enlightenment?
ID: 258130

Dear Evolutionary Women,

As some of you know, we've been connecting with the women from What is Enlightenment Magazine (you've probably seen their current issue, featuring women).

Today, we got this invitation from Dr. Elizabeth Debold, a senior editor at WIE, and we wanted to forward it to everybody.

Take a look, and please consider registering.

Lots of love, looking forward to seeing you at the next Evolutionary Women conference in Baltimore,

- Bonnie Kelley
Santa Barbara

Dear Friend,

I would like to invite you to participate in a special What Is Enlightenment? teleseminar called “The Spirit of Woman.” It will present a unique overview of women's revolutionary spiritual past in order to illuminate and explore radical new directions for our collective future.

In this special WIE teleseminar you will:

  • Discover a new perspective on women's revolutionary past
  • Gain insight into the social and cultural forces that have led to our current ideas of being women and men
  • Develop clarity about the direction in which women have to move in order to take the leading edge of culture forward

“The Spirit of Woman” will take place on three Saturdays: August 18, September 8, and September 22. Calls will begin at 12 noon EST and will last for approximately 90 minutes. Each call will consist of a presentation that will both bring alive the voices and visions of our radical foremothers and involve the thinking of current experts. We'll also have plenty of time for questions.

The cost for the teleseminar is $40 and includes complete access to all three conference calls, special online resources (articles and audios) to complement each section of the seminar, and a downloadable MP3—in case you miss a call.

» Please register online now

Here is an overview of the seminar contents and specific themes for each call:

Call #1, Saturday, August 18, 12 noon EST
Martyrs & Mystics: The True First Wave of Women's Liberation

How many of us realize that women were a force for change in consciousness and culture from the beginning of the Christian Era? In this first teleconference, Debold will look at the birth of Western civilization in a way that challenges commonly held beliefs about women as victims of patriarchal culture.

Call #2, Saturday, September 8, 12 noon EST
Rebels & Revolutionaries: Women's Spiritual Search for Social Justice

In this session, Debold will discuss the deeply held spiritual convictions that motivated and sustained the women's social justice movements, from the 19th century to the present.

Call #3, Saturday, September 22, 12 noon EST
Beyond the Divine Feminine: Why There is No Goddess in Our Future

Is the Goddess on the rise? Does the Feminine Divine need to emerge in order to balance the ills of our hypermasculine culture? In this teleconference, Debold will explore how the archetypal notions of Masculine and Feminine have developed over the centuries in order to illuminate how we need to move forward.

» Please register online now

I am very excited at the opportunity to engage with you in this critical inquiry for all of us—women and men alike—and hope you will join me!

Warm regards,

Dr. Elizabeth Debold
Senior Editor
What Is Enlightenment? magazine

P.S. Thought you might like this short video on “What is liberation for women today?” You'll hear nine of the women who are featured in our current issue on women. Enjoy and pass it on!

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