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From: Julie H.
Date: Thursday, August 23, 2007, 3:12 PM
Subject: A Woman at the Edge!
ID: 258229

Dear EW friends,

I just received an email from a woman who has for the past few decades been on the cutting edge of her evolution, and I thought it would be worthwhile, in these times when so many women speak about the 'call' within themselves for something more,to share this message with you. At the end of her email are several ways to contact her if you are so guided. Some of you may also know her from other connections. Her name is Sheila Foster, among other credits, the founder of Dangerous Old Women! Enjoy:


I am starting a blog as a way of sharing this amazing adventure I am on. As I was approaching my 59th birthday in May, I had the idea that I wanted to somehow 'mark' my 60th year on the planet. I then had a dream that I was driving down a dark road alone, straddling and following the white line, going the Middle Way, and the road came to an abrupt end.

There was nothing ahead - Nothing! It just dropped off and I was looking into the vast, dark, limitless Emptiness.

I woke up knowing that the life I had been living was over. This wasn't really new news, as I had announced the ending of the women's mystery school in MD two years before and then had a ceremony of completion there in April 2006, but the dream certainly communicated that a radical change was now happening within me and my life.

I sold my home, put my things in storage, and to my utmost surprise, I purchased a small winnebago! It all just 'happened' grace-fully, no one seemed to be 'doing' it. I was both amazed and in shock, as this was not anything I ever really considered doing, certainly not alone. I was more excited at meeting this Unknown Beloved than scared (4 am on Monday mornings became the hour of terror for awhile), and completely willing to surrender and follow 'orders from heartquarters' on this.

I began to call this a Shaggy Pony Ride, as I was not following some idea or vision I had, but rather being led by The Beloved, the Divine, the Deep Heart, following the Call without question, surrendering to the inner guidance and direction, as wild and as "not me" as it felt.

Divine arrangement is both mysterious and utterly amazing to me, so I got on board with it and here I am-- in Grand Junction, CO, at this moment, heading toward Ashland, OR tomorrow in my RV, which I call the Shaggy Pony. My little Rumi (doggie) is riding shotgun. I have filled every cupboard and drawer with art supplies, recording equipment, cameras, and computer stuff, so I am ready to write, paint, whatever arises, eager to meet whomever and whatever appears. I am excited about doing this blog as a way of staying in contact and sharing my discoveries with you.

My mind is continually blown by the Grace of the Unfolding Perfection day by day--even when it seems like shit in the moment-- by the Angels that keep appearing when help is needed, and by the Beauty of the precious Friends and Community, near and far, who have helped me in countless ways to make this Adventure possible. It is so new, so out of the realms of anything familiar, all I can do is show up, be present moment to moment, and see what is called for. One inch into the future and I can be shaking in my sandals. At the same time, I feel that I have been preparing for this journey my whole life.

So... join me... while it is so very obvious to me day by day that I know NOTHING, not even where i will be tomorrow, the truth is none of us really know anything, even when it seems that our lives are set and predictable. All can change--and often does -- in an instant. We can resist what is, or we can follow the Shaggy Pony day to day, opening to what is with curiosity and spaciousness. Surrender is the way.

So, consider hopping on your own Shaggy Pony wherever you are, no matter what is happening in your life. It's right there, there is nowhere to go, for this is a trip to Nowhere but Here. Now.

I am continuing to do sessions as i travel, at two-week intervals, as well as teleconferences. There is already a Shaggy Pony Riders tele-journey happening and i will be starting another one in September. Will send details soon. Also I am very open to making connections along the way, so if you know someone I should meet, or if there is someone who would like to sponsor a short workshop/retreat or whatever, let me know. I think these divinely 'arranged' meetings are so exciting.

With great love and gratitude for the Mystery, and much curiosity, Sheila Foster




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