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From: Sage K.
Date: Thursday, October 11, 2007, 11:55 AM
Subject: Gratitude for the ripples
Reply to: 261216
ID: 258687

Hi, all you wild and beautiful women!

Soooooo good to be an Evolutionary Woman. This is the first E.W. weekend I have not attended!

I spoke with Charlotte a couple of weeks ago, and she sent me the materials for the work she planned to share with you all.

As I read the few postings I just tuned in to, what rang my bell is this Whole Idea of Women and Wealth Together Again. There was a time when the land was passed through the women, the lineage was passed through the women, and the women kept the books in the temples.

Last week I sat with a woman who is desiring to facilitate a woman to woman direct micro-finance system. For those who do not know, micro-loans are tiny (like $150.) loans to assist in the start up of businesses. I immediately thought of the Light Pages...Her thought is that if one of us wanted to help a woman in, say, Bangalore, start her basket weaving business, why have a middle-man? Let's find a way to help each other directly. We could then also provide a potential market in America for the goods produced, and everyone wins.

I am So On FIRE about financial sufficiency for all women! For myself, for my fifteen year old daughter, for us all. this is also one of the primary themes coming up as I work on the Agape Women's Ministry set up. It's all about Wealth and Wellbeing.

I now have the time, energy and huevos to begin a monthly tele-Circle about Women and Wealth. We brought this up in Santa Barbara. Anyone interested?

Be well and take care, Sage Knight

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