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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Friday, November 30, 2007, 6:05 PM
Subject: Event in Ojai: Intergenerational Visioning
ID: 259150

Dear Everyone,

I'm delighted to share with you an organic arising of people from across the generations to listen deeply to one another (like the moments we have shared in the Evolutionary Women gatherings!), and move toward greater understanding and a common vision. Here's what Shiloh posted on the calendar:

Intergen gathering
Date of event: 12/7/2007-12/9/2007
Location: Meditation Mount
Address: Ojai California, California, United States
Cost: $300 for 2 nights and 5 meals

This is a call to council, a collaborative dialog and inquiry into how we might align more vibrantly across generations during this time of crisis and opportunity on the planet. I invite any and all of you to join- or spread the word of the event.

This is one of the first of a series to come. All exploring the 'trans-generational' concerns and capacities we share in regards to the great shift that is occurring. We are committed to having a wholesome dialog and orientation towards grounded action and responsiveness to what might emerge from this exploration.

Contact: Shiloh Boss
Email: evolvingshiloh@gmail.com

And this is some history, emailed to me:

A little over two years ago, 9 young visionaries, who did not know each other before, gathered in synchronicity around the northern San Francisco Bay Area campus of a global consciousness organization called IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences). We just so happened to show up at a major turning point conference for the IONS Organization and were assisted by the President James O'dea in VOICING OUR GENERATION's SOUL PLEA to be heard and taken seriously! and we were.....heard.

Now, two maturing years later, James O'dea, Gordon Davidson, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dominic Allamano, Mikael King, Alpha Lo, Jay Market, amongst many others are coming together to bridge a crucial INTERGENERATIONAL EMBODIED VISIONARY GATHERING!

We need your joy, laughter, love, support, gifts, purpose, vision, ideas, your organization, and your COMPASSIONATE ACTION on how to SIMPLY CO-CREATE a better way to live on EARTH, INTERGENERATIONALLY! The need for this kind of co-creative leadership community is more apparent than ever before.....in our collective global history.

the INTERGEN ROUNDTABLE is still open, will you take your seat with us and be accounted for?

NOW is the perfect time.....

Dec. 7-9th, Meditation Mount in Ojai, CA with: high vibe foods, beautiful retreat center, and self-empowered people like youself!
Click here for more info and to register.

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