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From: Andrea H.
Date: Thursday, February 7, 2008, 4:03 AM
Subject: EW Book- Request for Submissions
ID: 259720

Hello magnificent Evolutionary Women!

The process of the last two days has been so perfect. I had on my "to do" list: write a short, easy, breezy letter to LightPages Evolutionary Women with clarity about the submission process. Easy, right? And yet, no words... where were the easy, light, breezy words? I woke up this morning laughing at the reflection of this.

Is anyone feeling this way about writing a story? Are you feeling a desire, a calling and yet nothing is coming? Or are you feeling that there are so many stories, so many words. How could you pick just one?

I encourage you to set aside time to write. Write from your heart. Keep writing and allow the words to flow through you. Feel the resonant field of women who are finding their voices, deepening their connections to the voice that wants to be heard in this book. Set the intention and allow the inspiration to align within you. Write the story that comes to you and keep writing to allow the deeper, core story to emerge.

The structural, practical piece. We need to know who is writing. We need to know, if there are 10 women or 200 women writing.

Please e-mail me by the end of next week (Feb 15) with an idea. You may have a really clear vision about the exact story or you may have an idea that is general. We need to know who is writing.

Submission fee is $50 to cover the incidental costs. Checks made payable to Evolutionary Women.

Mail to: Evolutionary Women c/o Andrea Hylen 4312 Leeds Ave Baltimore, Md. 21229

Yeah! The words have arrived!

Honoring the process, Andrea

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