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From: Ginny R.
Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 9:22 AM
Subject: Charlene Proctor on WomanTalk Live Radio
ID: 259768

I wanted to let you all know that Charlene Proctor, who was a presenter at the Evolutionary Womens's retreat in Baltimore in October, will be interviewed on WomanTalk Live with Ginny Robertson & Ann Quasman tonight from 6:00 - 7:00 EST. If you are in the Baltimore area you can listen on your radio at 1370 AM. You can listen from anywhere on your computer at www.V1370.com and hit the Listen Live button.

For details on tonight's show see attachment.

Our show will be up on Podcast within the week at www.WomanTalkLive.com. Also go there to listen to our past shows.

If you want to receive our weekly announcements about show topics email me at ginnyrobertson@comcast.net.

Charlene and I met at the Evolutionary Women's retreat in October so just one of many examples of the connections that were formed there.

Ginny Robertson

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