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From: Lucky S.
Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 7:01 AM
Subject: A New Earth Group
ID: 259948

Evolutionary Coaching for Women

Integrating and Embodying the Principles in

Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth. Awakening to your Life's Purpose

2 Spiritual Coaching groups with Lucky Sweeny

Teleconference Group

8 Thursdays Days beginning March 20

12n ET 9 AM PT for 60 minutes

Limited to 6 participants

The conference call number will be sent upon registration


In Person:

8 Wednesday Eves. Beginning March 19

7-8:45 PM in the Pikesville Area of Baltimore

Limited to 7 participants


To register: Email Lucky at coachlucky@aol.com, or call: 410-433 -1520

These groups are for women committed to personal and global transformation. The coaching will focus on how to integrate and embody these profound teachings in your life. Using A New Earth as a platform, each woman will bring what's most important to her from the material into a resonant, evolutionary space to receive coaching and to learn and share and be supported by like- minded others as each one steps into the conscious awareness that personal transformation is the most powerful tool in the transformation of the planet.

If you don't know it already, Oprah has picked Elkhart Tolle's A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose as her book of the month. To me, this is the most radical mass transformational experiences ever; hundreds of thousands of people have signed up to participate. Oprah and Tolle are doing a FR*EE Webcast every Monday evening for the next 10 weeks. For details, go to oprah.com and sign up. I encourage you to take advantage of this unique experience.

The coaching groups will not be a rehash of the webcasts. The group will be a place to personalize, deepen into and practice the material.

About Lucky Sweeny

I've been working with A New Earth, extensively over the last year. It has confronted and enlightened me. It is a spiritual practice.. This is a journey of a lifetime, the potential to change how you see and live in the world, is limitless. For me, it builds on the last ten years of concentrated study and practice of Conscious Evolution under the guidance of Barbara Marx Hubbard and with the Santa Barbara Conscious Evolution Community, of which I am a founding member.

I have been coaching individuals and groups, since 1994. I am the co-founder of Evolutionary Women, an organization dedicated to women as co-creators of the planetary awakening. Before I became a coach, I had a career in non-profit program development and administration.. I, also, am a certified professional astrologer with 40 years of experience.

I invite you to take the next bold step in your life and spiritual development.

To register: email me at coachlucky@aol.com or call me at (410) 433-1520

In sisterhood on the journey, I will stay awake with you.


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