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From: Wolfgang F.
Date: Saturday, March 22, 2008, 2:10 PM
Subject: A more perfect union
Reply to: 262738
ID: 260205

Dear Ram, dear All,

Ram: I am just wondering how to go about it? Wouldn't UNO be the right kind of global body to conceive and follow up such sublime aspirations. Not an easy task, of course. Has it ever been taken in that spirit and detremined what the global response has been in an action oriented environment as such? And what roles the resonant organizations; such as GRN, UCS, Interspirit, Alliance....etc, play in the bigger scheme of such real-life transformations?

Well, dear Ram, I think the answer to your questions depends just on the level of consciousness of those people who already work within the named institutions - all are most wellcome to contribte to the CHANGE. Unity is our destiny.

>>> Within such a culture the human being would not be an instrument for secondary interests<<<

Ram: What do you mean by it? What secondary interest? And who is responsible for such interests?

Well, secondary interests are all those interests which support secondary aims like profit, subordination, violence in contrast to the primary, original, authentic or genuine purposes and destinies of life like cooperation, solidarity, empathy, peace, dialogue, equity etc.

>>>... but the central focus of development of human consciousness and responsibility.<<<

Ram: Great!. However, we will have to combine spiritual developments and worldly engagements in a balanced way so that the spiritual beings (us) can have ongoing expanded human experiences.........resulting into the finality of the Oneness during the course of time. How is such a sublime intrinsic aspiration going to be manifested on a global basis through an organized international body as such?

Well, again this depends on us, on "normal" people with empathy and a determination towards a well balanced existence where spiritual development entails worldly engagement for the benefit of all - we will prevail only if we globally will adopt this way of being.

>>> Violence and discrimination will be replaced by Unity and Peace.<<<

Ram: Of course that's our real hope? Seeing what is happening in Iraq, Tibet and other turmoiled parts of the world, just wondering: how such a shift is going to be brought forth in real day to day living of our lives? Who is responsible for its working? And how such a global brother/sisterhood can be manifested in our current Earth planet to today's new Earth of Unity and Peace?

That IS our real hope!

We just have to stop to believe in the derailling messages of the dying mentalities who just want to safe their lethal existence. When currently the Dalai Lama is blamed to be a "satanic force" the world public who knows better shoud react accordingly and should show those who are responsible for such flabbergasting lies their disbelief. Frankly they should tell them that they will not support/attend the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games - which originally stand for Peace and International Understanding - for UNITY and Fair Play.

Sen. Obama day by day proves better such a mentality. What an inspiring and encouraging person!

With love from Las Vegas, Wolfgang

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