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From: Anita P.
Date: Monday, March 24, 2008, 8:19 AM
Subject: A Metaphysical Exploration of the Resurrection
Reply to: 262729
ID: 260233

Yesterday, millions of people around the globe celebrated Easter, a day that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Regardless of one's religion, a metaphysical exploration of the significance of this traditional holy-day will guide you into discovery of that which is asking to emerge in you and through you.

A Shared Philosophy

One of the most powerful shared philosophies in the Power of Our Way Community is a belief that each of us has a vital and unique role in raising consciousness on the planet.

By doing our part, we nourish the collective, each of us seeking to serve opportunities for healing, expansion and emergence that begins by focusing within the circumferences of our individual lives.

The Resurrection from a Metaphysical Perspective

The biblical recollection of the resurrection can be examined from a symbolic perspective; one that becomes personally applicable and challenges us to go just a bit deeper, way beyond the literal interpretation. In doing so, we invite in the revelation of how we can honor the metaphysical wisdom and urgings of initiating a resurrection of sorts in our own lives.

The story of the resurrection is one of sacrifice, death and rebirth that ultimately opens a pathway to transcendence. Yet, to look at it only from the literal view would be to miss a spiritual reminder to fully receive the immense opportunities we each face in our own lives.

A reminder to revive and revitalize; to restore and renew a state of consciousness and being that exists when we let go, or put to rest less evolved (or spiritually and authentically aligned) ways of thinking and behaving, I see the resurrection as a reminder of our unique power to choose a higher form of existence.

Symbolically, we can each choose which aspects of ourselves we wish to re-form. We are encouraged to transform our lives by sacrificing old ways of thinking and behaving so that we may give birth to a more authentic version of ourselves.

By sacrificing - letting go of  - non-serving perspectives and habits, we open to the revelation of seeing ourselves through the eyes of original intention, purpose and truth.

Think about it - the resurrection story shares a radical opportunity to reveal that which is already a part of you; a deep, inner truth that exists in the very fabric of your consciousness.

Transcendence speaks to the inherent ability we each have to go beyond a previously limiting viewpoint and thus expand beyond and surpass all previous experiences that can only be maintained in the status quo.

We begin with asking a few simple, yet profoundly transformational questions;

  • "What conditions in my life am I ready to transcend? "
  • "What am I ready to let go of in both my thinking and behaviors?"
  • "What is asking to emerge and evolve in my life? "
  • "What am I being asked to resurrect within? "

In a world filled with pain and conflict, we face an incredible opportunity to better serve the original intention of our collective incarnations; to love and serve ourselves and others so that we may evolve and transcend that which has limited us from living in unity.

As beings made in the likeness and image of God as CREATOR, we are reminded that we have been gifted with an incredible gift to consciously create heaven on earth - the only limits being that which we dismiss as impossible or unrealistic.

You may seek to change how you are showing up in the world, ready to give birth to an inspiration or idea that has been incubating in the womb of your creative mind and is energized by the desire of your soul.

You may feel a sense of deep longing to feel peace in your heart, a peace only clouded by perceptions and beliefs that are currently preventing you from seeing your life as nothing short of miraculous and abundant.

You may seek to resurrect a part of you that you have hidden, ignored, or dismissed out of fear or a slew of practical reasons.

And, you may seek to heal and transform some very physical manifestations (health, finances, relationships, career) whose genesis exists in a mind and spirit that is ready to align with a gentler way.

As much as we may wish to see a plethora of desired life changes from a strategic, linear view, in truth, we are being gifted an incredible opportunity to expand spiritually first and seek Divine assistance.

To reconnect with the Source of all creation, healing, and evolvement as a pathway to transcend past limitation or pain, or to reawaken a more innocent, inspired and imaginative aspect of our souls, is something that all humans, regardless of cultural or religious orientation have in common.

The Challenge of Human Conditioning

Feeling doubt, fear, or a sense of impossibility is a condition of the human-formed mind. We harden ourselves in the face of past disappointments or hurts. We give up before we even try because we are afraid of failure or concern ourselves with all that comes with success.

We protect ourselves from vulnerability, rejection and abandonment, all of which are completely illusionary and, in truth, completely impossible from a spiritual perspective.

After all, if we were able to align with a greater Truth about God, and not assign the uniquely human characteristics of judgment, conditional love, prejudice, and fear, we would embody a permanent consciousness of faith and unity and find immense courage to more actively participate in the creation and re-creation of our lives.

Feeling a sense of separation or aloneness is not uncommon. At some point in all of our lives we step into the illusion as a result of the Divine Forgetting.

Aligning with God's Desire For You

Know this; God's greatest desire is for you to be happy and experience yourself as a steward to a larger and greater purpose that will only be revealed when you come back into the fold of the original intention of your conception and birth into the earthly realm.

To support this desire, you have been given two inherent abilities that infuse you with incredible power...

  1. The ability to be conscious of others and one's self; one's thoughts, beliefs, talents, gifts, feelings, and the impact we have on ourselves and the world around us.
  2. The ability to choose; to exercise our free will to align with perspectives and behaviors that create our external realities.

Going Straight to Your Source

Your past conditioning may have taught you to only seek God in moments of crisis and desperation, neither of which are ideal states of consciousness in the co-creative process.

You may also have been taught that you are unworthy of such special attention or that you need to believe or practice a certain way to be in communication (and love and approval) of the Divine.

You may have gotten glimpses of your innate connection to a force that exists within and without, but seek a deeper, more consistent relationship with Source, one that you experience in the totality of your being.

Any time you experience pain, in reality you are experiencing the sting of feeling separate and alone from God and the collective soul of humanity.

Inspiration, compassion, joy, and love are all ways we reconnect to the sense of belonging we strive to come home to. Acknowledging these Spirit infused pathways as Divine reminders of your truest essence will place you in the arms of the Divine embrace - a spacious and miraculous opportunity to realign with a much greater Truth.

Yet, how does one open the door to a higher Truth that is seeking to be felt, experienced, and acknowledged? How, after years of faulty human conditioning, do we re-enter the realm of limitlessness?

How do we move beyond fear, doubt, and hidden potential and live more from our Soul's intention and desire?

How do we go Straight to the Source and access the highest part of ourselves that sees, knows, feels, senses, behaves, speaks, and embodies Truth?

How can we access the part of ourselves that knows of our immense ability to foster change and always experiences the presence of the Divine, no matter what?

First, we go within. We grant ourselves permission to travel to the deepest place within and we heal all that is no longer serving us, but rather hinders us from choosing to engage in the process of creation and evolution in our own lives.

We reawaken to see that each of us has been commissioned to use these amazing bodies to live out our purposes and to provide God with an awareness of God's Self through us and on our behalf.

We find both Universal and individual pathways to be in active relationship with the Divine and our higher selves and we go Straight to Source through intentions and practices that open us to the portal of infiniteness.

It is this very opportunity that we must resurrect in our lives.

To see ourselves as worthy, capable, and destined to regain the memory of wisdom forgotten, purpose dismissed, and unification veiled only by the illusion of misbelief, is how we collectively agree and commit to transcend human conditioning and forgetting.

To acknowledge your part in the Divine plan of transcendence requires you to see yourself as a force of good in your own life; one that is part of a grander, interconnected whole, absent of the beliefs that keep you trapped in the illusions of separateness and incompleteness.

Maybe we separate from seeing ourselves as offspring of the Divine because being born to a parent known as the God above and within all would be quite a lot of pressure.

Maybe we would feel unworthy to live in a constant state of this awareness and Divine connection. Maybe we feel incapable of living in this field of infiniteness in our day- to-day human lives.

And maybe, just maybe, we feel it arrogant and inhuman to feel intimate with God, let alone ourselves.

Over my lifetime, through my own initiation, I have unlearned many things and as a result, I have given way to healing that enabled me to bare witness to incredible miracles. Awakening to my purpose and sharing it has been a choice. Conversing with God is a choice, not a privilege and one only hindered by our own false sense of limitation or undeservedness.

It has become my longing and my prayer to midwife your essence into your remembering. It is my hope to share the miracles of healing and love and to share with you a door through which you will expand into the realm of a Divine wisdom and relationship that is available to all.

I have seen, heard and felt the immense opportunity we all have to release and expand, and in partnership with my husband, we have dedicated our lives to serve as reminders (more than as teachers) of a Truth that already exists within.

Our music, our writings, teachings, and workshops and retreats are all infused with this commitment and we would like to invite you into a sacred space of intimate sharing and celebration at our upcoming retreat we have come to call Straight to the Source (details of this powerful weekend in May can be seen at www.metaphysicalmasterminds.com/sts).

An infusion of music, meditation, enriching discussions and exercises will reveal to you the pathways to the Divine and reawaken you to the magic and mastery within. We integrate the powerful Universal tool for transformation that we have come to call The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel and travel through an amazing process that leads you into the seat of your power as a spiritual being who has the benefit of being housed in a physical body.

To learn more and to reserve your spot (hurry! we only have space for 12!), visit www.metaphysicalmasterminds.com/sts and save on tuition by coming with a friend, partner or souse that will support you in integrating the weekend into your day-to-day life.

And, listen to one of our newer songs to get the essence of what we will be embracing together, on behalf of the entire planet!

Visit >www.powerofourway.blogs.com

to listen to Path to Peace, composed and performed by my husband and creative partner, Brent Law.

And, join us May 2-4 for Straight to the Source by reserving your spot today at www.metaphysicalmasterminds.com/sts

We are honored to guide you into a Divine remembering and look forward to meeting you in person!

Namaste, Anita

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