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From: Andrea H.
Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 6:05 AM
Subject: The Moses Code and my own burning bush
ID: 260314

Hello all!

I am one of The Peace Sisters, a group that evolved out of the first retreat when I was inspired to become a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking. This weekend is the Premier of a Film called The Moses Code. www.themosescode.com

I believe this film has an activation energy that is awakening the planet to Soul Manifestation. The film was written by James Twyman, directed by Drew Heriot (director of the Secret). It takes the Secret and the Law of Attraction to a new level that speaks to our soul.

The Peace Sisters have a Premier of the Film on Sat, April 5 at the Senator Theatre in Baltimore City. The Senator has 888 seats. It is our intention to fill the theatre and to have the group say the prayer I AM THAT I AM together at the end of the film.

One of the scenes in the film is in Jerusalem where James Twyman led a group of people in I am that I am. The intention was to circle the city with Love.

We are bringing in that energy in Baltimore City on Saturday and Sunday.

Film 1pm on Saturday - $5.00 Peace vigil noon on Sunday

For more information www.ThePeaceSisters.org look on the home page and under events.

My own burning bush happened this morning. I awoke to the smell of fire. There is a house on my property that has been boarded up for years. It was in a full raging fire with 4 fire trucks out there.

I am awake. I am listening for the message. I am that I am.

If you can not be with us on Saturday, go to www.themosescode.com and find a place near you to view the film this weekend. It is a GLOBAL premier. The burning bush in my backyard called to me to reach out to you today.

In gratitude, Andrea

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