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From: Andrea H.
Date: Friday, April 4, 2008, 5:00 AM
Subject: Silver Violet Flame Activation Class
ID: 260355

Hello everyone!

So many wonderful opportunities to "play" together!

In Baltimore: Jayne Howard Feldman and I have been teaching a Silver Violet Flame class in Maryland and Pennsylvania. There is an honoring and healing energy in the workshop for the work you are doing on the planet. Your guides will show up to support you in the workshop with the Archangels and Ascended Masters. Do you feel the call to be in the class.

Two new classes:

Wed, April 9 noon-3pm at Breathe Books in Hampden www.breathebooks.com

Sun, May 4 1-4pm at Mystickal Voyage in Perry Hall, Md. www.mystickalvoyage.com

Register on the store website.

You will receive an Activation of the Silver Violet Flame that you can use for healing, teaching and passing on the activation to others. You will receive Master Certification during the class.

You will receive a message from the Archangels.

Silver Violet Flame Activation Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Michael Presented by Andrea Hylen & Jayne Howard Feldman

$60 per person (Advance Registration Required)

The violet flame of transmutation is a gift from St. Germain to assist our ascension and the transmutation of negative feelings and emotions. It is an energy of grace, harmony and transmutation that can be used for healing in your home, with clients and for the planet. You will receive an activation of the Silver Violet Flame and a level of Master certification. You will receive a personal message from the Archangels.

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