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From: Lucky S.
Date: Thursday, May 1, 2008, 11:16 AM
Subject: EW One Day Retreat June22 Baltimore
ID: 260657

Presents a One Day Retreat for Women

A Day of Celebrating Your Unique Brilliance

Sunday, June 22, 2008 10am-5pm

Bon Secours Spiritual Center, Marriottsville, Md

Registration and Continental Breakfast begin at 9am

Each of us is a unique expression of the brilliance of the Universe. In this one day workshop we will honor our own brilliance and how we want to manifest that in the world.

Guided meditation, Small group sharing, Nature experience

Reflective time, Beautiful setting, Networking table

Fabulous Women (like you)

You are invited to celebrate You and the Summer Solstice in a beautiful, resonant and supportive environment. It will be a fun and illuminating day to begin your summer season. Come join us and bring a friend.

Don't be shy, YOU are Brillant and we want to spend the day with you.

Andrea Hylen and Lucky Sweeny

Enroll Now and take advantage of the Early Bird price

$99 for the day includes continental breakfast, lunch and snacks

Early bird registration before May 10: $88

Online: www.evolutionarywomen.org or call Andrea Hylen 410-536-0220 or Email: info@evolutionarywomen.org

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