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From: Andrea H.
Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 8:31 AM
Subject: May 29: Evolutionary Women on Kimberly Marooney's BlogTalk Radio Show
ID: 261455

Tomorrow , May 29, 2008. Evolutionary Women are on Kimberly Marooney's Blog Talk Radio Show. Date / Time: 5/29/2008 5:00 PM PST and 8:00 PM EST (1 1/2 hours)

Call-in Number: (646) 200-0933

Here is the link to listen on the internet:


It would be great to hear your voices and feel your support! The Evolutionary Women book manuscript is with the publisher, Christine Kloser.

We have events and phone calls scheduled for 2008. Stay tuned for more information soon. Or go to www.evolutionarywomen.org for weekly updates.

(FYI- I just saw an announcement from Disney about Tinker Bell. This is not a pro or con for Disney, but listen to this. The quote in USA Today "In Tinker Bell...a new movie...Peter's pixie friend finds her voice- it 's the first time fans will hear her speak-"

I see this as a mass consciousness shift. Women are no longer sidekicks without a voice!

And...this shift comes after e-mailing a manuscript to the publisher with 44 stories from Evolutionary Women. We have birthed the vision of women sharing their voices in the way they want to without anyone controlling their words and emotions. Through gentle reading, offering suggestions, and conscious editing that preserved each woman’s voice, women have supported the idea that a woman’s story is her own.

In gratitude, Andrea


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