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From: Michael G.
Date: Thursday, July 3, 2008, 7:29 AM
Subject: *** Reminder About Open Poll on Bylaw Revisions
ID: 262250

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Hi everyone,

So far ten of us (nine voting members & one honorary member) have responded to the poll that I sent out earlier in the week. I'd like to see a few more votes before I decide what to do about these bylaw revisions. According to the bylaws, the membership must be sent the proposed changes by this Sunday, July 6 if we are to consider this at the Annual General Meeting on Sunday, July 27. Please take just a minute to visit the polling section of the Board of Directors area of NAINonline and vote today. With a holiday in the United States marking the start of a long weekend for many of us, I'd really appreciate being able to close this poll today.

Peace, Mike

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