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From: Andrea H.
Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 9:37 AM
Subject: The Year I Toured with the Jonas Brothers
ID: 262579

Hello all of you beautiful Light Beings!

I wanted to share the journey that I am currently experiencing with my 15 year old daughter. We live in Baltimore, Md.

She has a passion for the Jonas Brothers, three brothers in a band, in case you have not heard about them.

We are traveling around the country going to 13 Jonas Brothers concerts, homeschooling on the road and allowing a greater part of ourselves to emerge.

I am blogging the experience, sharing photos and soon to come, some podcasts. The website is www.andreahylen.com. The front page has an area that says Link to Hannah's page (my 15 year old daughter).

We were on the radio in Oklahoma City which emerged beautifully, organically. Today we will be interviewed by the crew who is filming the 3-D concert movie of the Jonas Brothers.

We will be home in time for the next Evolutionary Women Retreat in Baltimore August 15-17, 2008 and will then head south for three more concerts.

Go to www.evolutionarywomen.org to register for the retreat. The link to my Evolutionary journey is on the front page, too. Spread the word!!

More information about the Conscious Choices book in August. It is in the publishing process and will be published in the fall.

I will stay awake with you, Andrea

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