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From: Joyce F.
Date: Monday, August 25, 2008, 12:57 PM
Subject: Memories... Grape vines
Reply to: 263557
ID: 263795

Hi, I have been enjoying all of your memories. My kids just left to return to Maryland and I have been doing a marathone reading session trying to catch up with all of these great e-mails.

Ken Wheeler, loved your story about the old fort. As a small child I could never get in and out of our forts without the help of the older kids which made going down in to the fort a real adventure. Do any of you remember the old fort that used to be located in the lemon orchard behind the old Shopping Bag and Wyngate between Scoville and McVine? There used to be an old shed on the corner of McVine and Wyngate that had an old well opening that was boarded up . . . it used to freak me out after that little girl got wedged an abandoned well and died. I'm sure there were lots of old wells in the area just waiting for someone to fall into.

Also enjoyed reading about the river rock. I grew up on Scoville Ave off of Foothill and I remember the Brown's house had this great stone front porch with the river rock support pillars. They had a big swing bolted to the rafters. Does anyone remember your folks buying a portable swing with their metal frames, overhead canvas shade from Sears for the yard? Their house also had a cellar and I remember my mom and Mrs. Brown used to can vegetables and fruit.

Pepe, thanks for your story about the kids who lived on the Scoville down by the wash. After all these years . . . I never knew that your Scoville existed. How could that be? The kids who lived on our Scoville were the Browns, Calhouns, Chilcoats, Tices, Ross, Pattersons, Mints, Mathes, Asels and I can't remember the names of the others.

Several of you wrote about your fathers calling you home with a whistle at night . . . my dad did that too. Heck, I called my kids home the same way. I guess times have definitely changed since then. I was visiting my kids in Maryland and I whistled for my grandson to get his attention and was promptly told by my daughter in law that I was being disrespectful by treating my grandson like a 'dog' . . . I was told it's very rude to whistle for people. How is that for being in the new politically correct world?

Joyce Fordyce-Peyton W60

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