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From: Andrea H.
Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 10:51 AM
Subject: Evolutionary Emergence class and tele-class
ID: 264145

Good morning everyone!

Please read ALL of this e-mail and spread the word to other amazing, magnificent, powerful women. (For the women who received this from me a few days ago, notice that we are starting the class on Sept 22)

Lucky Sweeny is going to be teaching a class at my home in Arbutus, Maryland (SW Baltimore) on Monday evenings from 7-9pm. 10 Monday evenings beginning Sept 22. (She is also teaching this as a tele-class on Wed evenings)

Evolutionary Emergence: Releasing Your Highest Potential For the Good of Everything.

Something emerged from me a few days ago. It was like a jolt of energy as I realized that I MUST get the word out about this class.

In my heart, this is why Lucky Sweeny left Santa Barbara, CA to return to Baltimore and why Barbara Marx Hubbard said to her, "Lucky, go BE me on the East Coast."

We have reached a point on the planet where we know we are shifting.

1. We know there is an acceleration.

2. We know we are ONE.

3. We know that structures around us are breaking down and it is time to rebuild.

4. We know that we need to do this with groups of women, men and children.

5. We know that we can!

This is not a book group, although we will use Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence by Barbara Marx Hubbard, as a reference.

This is an opportunity to build community for conscious evolution. We are building a "resonant field" so greater parts of ourselves can emerge.

I was looking through a few magazines this morning. Two articles showed me the Evolutionary Process that is happening for many:

An article about a woman who baked a cake for her foster daughter. When the daughter burst into tears, the woman discovered that this was the first time in her life, she was 8 years old, that the girl had ever had a birthday cake. She created a non-profit organization and has baked 200 cakes for children and other women are beginning to do this around the country. (Her gift in this article- to bake cakes and spread love)

Cal Ripken's love of baseball has continued to emerge. The article I saw was about his passion to introduce the sport to children in China. (His gift-to improve diplomacy through sport)

I could write a whole book about the Evolutionary Process and changes that have manifested for me during the last three years and many of you have seen them. Every time there is a retreat something HUGE shifts for me. The opportunity to be in a "resonant field" with Evolutionary Women allows each of us to EVOLVE into our highest potential.

In March, the idea of traveling around the country with the Jonas Brothers emerged through my daughter and me. Our blogs are now in the process of becoming three books. We already have a marketing plan emerging on YouTube (my daughter had over 130,000 hits on one of her videos and has had 12,000 hits on her blog by word of mouth!) (My gift: building community through words and sound and healing hearts.)

I am looking forward to the class because the energy of being with 20 women for 10 weeks will support the next piece of this or something else for me. A book, romance, clarity around my home? I am open to the experience that my emerging Self is ready for and I would like to support you on your journey, too.

Being together in this resonant field will also support the collective whole. It touched me today that to be in this resonant field of Evolutionary Emergence leading up to the Presidential Election in the United States is a powerful opportunity.

What is emerging from within you right now? What else is waiting to be remembered inside of you that could emerge by investing in yourself in this class? How can you support the larger evolutionary process in the world. Come and expand and play with me.

In person at my home in Arbutus

10 Mondays


Beginning Sept 22 in Arbutus

Your investment is $275.

(Room for 20 women-contact us now)

4312 Leeds Ave

Baltimore, MD 21229



10 Wednesdays

Beginning Sept 24

9pm-10:15pm ET

75 minutes

Your investment is $225.

Contact: info@evolutionarywomen.org to register.

And spread the word!!

In gratitude, Andrea

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