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From: Lucky S.
Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 6:38 AM
Subject: Evolutionary Emergence Classes
ID: 264499

My Dear Friends,

I want to let you know what I think about the Evolutionary Emergence classes, both the in person and the Teleclass, so you can know if this is for you.

You, the women attracted to eW, have done a lot of self development; spiritual work, psychological work, relationships, career and more. Evolutionary Women have awareness, a sense of purpose and are making contributions in their families, communities and the world as they are called to do so.

Evolutionary Emergence is an opportunity to integrate all the aspects of your growth and development with the life you are living right now. It will illuminate where you are and where you want to go. It will give you a bigger picture of your life and work. It will accelerate your awareness and expand your consciousness.

In all our activities at eW, we create an energetic field: we call “the resonant field”; you may know it by another name. This is a collective effort. We create the field together with all beings who are present, with intention, love and with Spirit and the Oneness. This new era that we are moving into, is one of the greatest individual diversity with the highest level of cooperation ever seen on our planet. This field is a technology for our future. The Sufi Mystic Poet Rumi writes:

Out beyond the wrong doing and the right doing There is a field I will meet you there.

Classes will include: Attunement and resonance building Meditation and Guided Imagery Selections from The 52 Codes for Conscious Evolution by Barbara Marx Hubbard and Carolyn Anderson Group Discussion Experiential Exercises to ground the learning Individual Mentoring Co-creation, Non-judgment and Love Teleclass Special Bonus

We will use Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Emergence: From Ego to Essence for inspiration and guidance.

There are details below. I invite you to join me in this next step in our evolution. If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to call me at: 410.433.1520

About the Teleclass

For 75 minutes a week we will meet in a resonant field that extends at least across the U.S. We will build a community of learning centered in the shared awareness of our Oneness that allows us to accelerate our consciousness.

Teleclass Special Bonus As we are limited in our physical connection, each member of the group will have the opportunity for two personal twenty minute mentoring session on the phone with me., Lucky, during the class. We will arrange the appointments at our mutual convenience.

We will begin, Wednesday September 24, 2008 at 9 PM ET/ 6 PM PT for 10 weeks. All Classes will be available for playback for 1 week after the class Your investment: $225 To register: email: info@evolutionarywomen.org You may send a deposit of $100 and the second payment in two weeks. Send your check made out to: Evolutionary Women c/o Andrea Hylen, 4312 Leeds Ave. Baltimore MD 21229 The teleconference number for classes and playbacks will be emailed to you, the week before the class

About the In Person Class

We will meet from 7-9 PM for 10 weeks. We will have experiential exercises, individual, in two’s and three’s and as a whole group. We will build a community of learning based on the shared awareness of our Oneness that allows us to accelerate our consciousness. I will be offer individual mentoring/feedback when appropriate; as we all learn from each other’s unfoldment. We will create an environment of resonance, safety, co-creation and Love.

We begin Monday September 22 at 7 PM at Andrea Hylen’s Home Directions will be emailed the week before the class Your investment: $275 To register email: info@evolutionarywomen.org You may send a deposit of $125 and pay the remainder the first night of class. To pay by mail, send your check made out to: Evolutionary Women c/o Andrea Hylen, 4312 Leeds Ave. Baltimore MD 21229

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