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From: Karen L.
Date: Friday, September 26, 2008, 3:39 PM
Subject: I invite you to take a challenge!
ID: 264817

Dear Evolutionary Women,

Two weeks ago I took on a big personal challenge—to do 100 life coaching sessions during the month of October! This is part of my recent “evolutionary emergence” to use my gifts in a bigger way, helping more clients get the results they want through life coaching.

I am excited about this because my challenge became an invitation to others to take on a challenge in their lives too! Just for one month, how do you want to stretch in your life? Is there an unfinished project, a goal, more inner peace, or a new creation you’d like to focus on with the support of a life coach?

I do all my coaching by phone, so distance is not a barrier. Now is the time to take advantage of my challenge because I’m offering a huge discount in my coaching fee. Just for the month of October, 25 people who are ready and willing to commit to stretching themselves in some way will get 4 coaching sessions of 45 minutes each for only $100! That is a 66% reduction!

I still have 9 spaces to fill on my way to 25. Are you ready to take on this challenge? Don’t wait. It’s simple. Just call or email me and we’ll get started. October is just around the corner!

If you’d like to learn more, please visit http://www.consciouslifequest.com/freshperspectives.html to read my 3 recent Fresh Perspectives on "Taking the Challenge."

I’m also offering 2 free teleclasses. More info at http://www.consciouslifequest.com/teleclasses.html

I love coaching and am passionate about helping more people create better lives. May I help you? Are you willing to help me by passing the word about this generous offer? October is the month to get those results you’re looking for!

Peace and love,

Karen Latvala

Certified Life Coach, Writer, Evolutionary Woman, Vessel of Peace, Spiritual Mentor

719-942-4758, Karen@ConsciousLifeQuest.com, www.ConsciousLifeQuest.com

"In movement there is life, and in change there is power." ~~Andrew Cohen

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